[vlc-devel] commit: Fixed faad compilation and restored consistency ( Felix Paul Kühne )

git version control git at videolan.org
Mon Mar 31 22:53:44 CEST 2008

vlc | branch: 0.8.6-bugfix | Felix Paul Kühne <fkuehne at videolan.org> | Mon Mar 31 22:52:40 2008 +0200| [f798d7e998a169c2d8167b5cac994d3bd21dab2f]

Fixed faad compilation and restored consistency

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=f798d7e998a169c2d8167b5cac994d3bd21dab2f

 extras/contrib/src/Makefile |   18 +++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extras/contrib/src/Makefile b/extras/contrib/src/Makefile
index b28849f..5ccb847 100644
--- a/extras/contrib/src/Makefile
+++ b/extras/contrib/src/Makefile
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ endif
  all: .autoconf .automake .libtool .intl .pkgcfg .freetype .fribidi \
 	.a52 .mpeg2 .id3tag .mad .ogg .vorbis .vorbisenc .theora \
-	.FLAC .speex .shout .faad .faac .lame .twolame .ebml .matroska .ffmpeg \
+	.FLAC .speex .shout .faad2 .faac .lame .twolame .ebml .matroska .ffmpeg \
 	.dvdcss .dvdnav .dvdread .dvbpsi .live .x264 .caca .mod \
 	.png .gpg-error .gcrypt .gnutls .opendaap .cddb .cdio .vcdimager .SDL_image \
 	.glib .libidl .gecko .mpcdec .dirac_encoder .dirac_decoder .aclocal \
@@ -154,14 +154,14 @@ else
 # Native build: we need perl, autoconf, etc first
    all: .perl .autoconf .automake .libtool .iconv .intl .freetype .fribidi \
 	.a52 .mpeg2 .id3tag .mad .ogg .vorbis .vorbisenc .theora \
-	.FLAC .speex .faad .faac .lame .ebml .matroska .ffmpeg .dvdcss \
+	.FLAC .speex .faad2 .faac .lame .ebml .matroska .ffmpeg .dvdcss \
 	.dvdnav .dvbpsi .aclocal .libdca
 # Cross compiling: we already have the Linux tools, only build the
 # libraries now
    all: .iconv .intl .freetype .fribidi \
 	.a52 .mpeg2 .id3tag .mad .ogg .vorbis .vorbisenc .theora \
-	.FLAC .speex .faad .faac .lame .twolame .ebml .matroska .ffmpeg .dvdcss \
+	.FLAC .speex .faad2 .faac .lame .twolame .ebml .matroska .ffmpeg .dvdcss \
 	.dvdnav .dvbpsi .aclocal .libdca
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ else
    all: .iconv .intl .freetype .fribidi .zlib \
 	.a52 .mpeg2 .id3tag .mad .ogg .vorbis .shout .vorbisenc .theora \
-	.FLAC .speex .faad .faac .lame .ebml  .matroska .ffmpeg .dvdcss \
+	.FLAC .speex .faad2 .faac .lame .ebml  .matroska .ffmpeg .dvdcss \
 	.live .goom2k4 .caca .mod .x264  .xml .twolame \
 	.png .gpg-error .gcrypt .gnutls .mpcdec \
 	.dvdnav .dvbpsi .wxwidgets .dirac .SDL_image \
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ else
    ifdef HAVE_WINCE
-   all: .dvbpsi .zlib .ffmpeg .ogg .tremor .faad
+   all: .dvbpsi .zlib .ffmpeg .ogg .tremor .faad2
 # Standard Linux or other UNIX-like systems
    all: .iconv .intl .freetype .fribidi .zlib \
 	.a52 .mpeg2 .id3tag .mad .ogg .vorbis .vorbisenc .theora \
-	.FLAC .speex .faad .faac .lame .ebml .matroska .ffmpeg .dvdcss \
+	.FLAC .speex .faad2 .faac .lame .ebml .matroska .ffmpeg .dvdcss \
 	.live .goom2k4 .caca .mod .x264  .xml .twolame \
 	.png .gpg-error .gcrypt .gnutls .mpcdec \
 	.dvdnav .dvbpsi .wxwidgets .dirac \
@@ -804,13 +804,13 @@ faad2: faad2-$(FAAD2_VERSION).tar.gz
 	(cd $@; ./bootstrap)
-.faad: faad
+.faad2: faad2
 	(cd $< && $(HOSTCC) ./configure $(HOSTCONF) --prefix=$(PREFIX) CFLAGS="-O3" && sed -i.orig "s/shrext_cmds/shrext/g" libtool && make -C libfaad && make -C libfaad install)
 	touch $@
-CLEAN_FILE += .faad
-CLEAN_PKG += faad
+CLEAN_FILE += .faad2
+CLEAN_PKG += faad2
 DISTCLEAN_PKG += faad2-$(FAAD2_VERSION).tar.gz
 # ***************************************************************************

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