[vlc-devel] [PATCH] libvlc: add subtitle file (*.srt...) handling

Jean-Paul Saman jpsaman at videolan.org
Wed May 7 23:06:25 CEST 2008

Tanguy Krotoff wrote:
> That's true
> Btw, libvlc_video_get_spu() and libvlc_video_set_spu() could be
> renamed since spu term is not very "talkative".
> I don't even know what abbreviation spu is...

SPU is an abbreviation for Sub Picture Unit and indicates not only text, 
but also pictures. It originates from the MPEG standard if I remember 

> I plan also to add a function like libvlc_video_clear_subtitle(), if
> the user select a subtitle and then change his mind by clearing it.

I would suggest a naming scheme like this:


with * being file, clear, close, etc..

Jean-Paul Saman

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