[vlc-devel] commit: Fix cyclic dependancy between input and "sout stream" description ( Rafaël Carré )

Rafaël Carré funman at videolan.org
Wed May 14 17:08:39 CEST 2008

Le Wed, 14 May 2008 18:04:00 +0300,
Rémi Denis-Courmont <rdenis at simphalempin.com> a écrit :

> Le Wednesday 14 May 2008 16:01:23 Rafaël Carré, vous avez écrit :
> > > A sout plugin CAN be "unparented" and change input. That's the
> > > whole point of --sout-keep.
> >
> > No, cannot.
> And what prevents me from using description from the playlist?

Of course nothing: --sout #description

> And
> why add more hacks preventing the use of sout-keep for VLM, while we
> should rather be removing them?

What do you mean, do you see any use of sout-keep in VLM ?

Rafaël Carré
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