[vlc-devel] commit: Remove a bunch of unused deprecated APIs ( Rémi Denis-Courmont )

git version control git at videolan.org
Thu May 15 20:24:45 CEST 2008

vlc | branch: master | Rémi Denis-Courmont <rem at videolan.org> | Thu May 15 21:25:39 2008 +0300| [31013e299b7a9deeef36bbc9c9ead08fc9cfdcda]

Remove a bunch of unused deprecated APIs

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=31013e299b7a9deeef36bbc9c9ead08fc9cfdcda

 include/vlc/deprecated.h |   86 ---------------------------------------
 src/libvlc.c             |  100 ----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/vlc/deprecated.h b/include/vlc/deprecated.h
index 497e65d..806e1ba 100644
--- a/include/vlc/deprecated.h
+++ b/include/vlc/deprecated.h
@@ -298,95 +298,9 @@ VLC_DEPRECATED_API char const * VLC_Compiler ( void );
 VLC_DEPRECATED_API char const * VLC_Changeset ( void );
- * Return an error string
- *
- * \param i_err an error code
- * \return an error string
- */
-VLC_DEPRECATED_API char const * VLC_Error ( int i_err );
 #endif /* __LIBVLC__ */
- * Initialize libvlc
- *
- * This function allocates a vlc_t structure and returns a negative value
- * in case of failure. Also, the thread system is initialized
- *
- * \return vlc object id or an error code
- */
-VLC_DEPRECATED_API int     VLC_Create( void );
- * Initialize a vlc_t structure
- *
- * This function initializes a previously allocated vlc_t structure:
- *  - CPU detection
- *  - gettext initialization
- *  - message queue, module bank and playlist initialization
- *  - configuration and commandline parsing
- *
- *  \param i_object a vlc object id
- *  \param i_argc the number of arguments
- *  \param ppsz_argv an array of arguments
- *  \return VLC_SUCCESS on success
- */
-VLC_DEPRECATED_API int     VLC_Init( int, int, const char *[] );
- * Add an interface
- *
- * This function opens an interface plugin and runs it. If b_block is set
- * to 0, VLC_AddIntf will return immediately and let the interface run in a
- * separate thread. If b_block is set to 1, VLC_AddIntf will continue until
- * user requests to quit.
- *
- * \param i_object a vlc object id
- * \param psz_module a vlc module name of an interface
- * \param b_block make this interface blocking
- * \param b_play start playing when the interface is done loading
- * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success
- */
-VLC_DEPRECATED_API int     VLC_AddIntf( int, char const *, bool, bool );
- * Ask vlc to die
- *
- * This function sets p_libvlc->b_die to true, but does not do any other
- * task. It is your duty to call VLC_CleanUp and VLC_Destroy afterwards.
- *
- * \param i_object a vlc object id
- * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success
- */
-VLC_DEPRECATED_API int     VLC_Die( int );
- * Clean up all the intf, playlist, vout and aout
- *
- * This function requests all intf, playlist, vout and aout objects to finish
- * and CleanUp. Only a blank VLC object should remain after this.
- *
- * \note This function was previously called VLC_Stop
- *
- * \param i_object a vlc object id
- * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success
- */
-VLC_DEPRECATED_API int     VLC_CleanUp( int );
- * Destroy all threads and the VLC object
- *
- * This function requests the running threads to finish, waits for their
- * termination, and destroys their structure.
- * Then it will de-init all VLC object initializations.
- *
- * \param i_object a vlc object id
- * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success
- */
-VLC_DEPRECATED_API int     VLC_Destroy( int );
  * Set a VLC variable
  * This function sets a variable of VLC
diff --git a/src/libvlc.c b/src/libvlc.c
index 14f172b..5cbf80e 100644
--- a/src/libvlc.c
+++ b/src/libvlc.c
@@ -80,29 +80,6 @@ const char* VLC_Changeset( void )
     return psz_vlc_changeset;
- * VLC_Error: strerror() equivalent
- *****************************************************************************
- * This function returns full version string (numeric version and codename).
- *****************************************************************************/
-char const * VLC_Error( int i_err )
-    return vlc_error( i_err );
- * VLC_Create: allocate a libvlc instance and intialize global libvlc stuff if needed
- *****************************************************************************
- * This function allocates a libvlc instance and returns a negative value
- * in case of failure. Also, the thread system is initialized.
- *****************************************************************************/
-int VLC_Create( void )
-    libvlc_int_t *p_object = libvlc_InternalCreate();
-    if( p_object ) return p_object->i_object_id;
-    return VLC_ENOOBJ;
 #define LIBVLC_FUNC \
     libvlc_int_t * p_libvlc = vlc_current_object( i_object ); \
     if( !p_libvlc ) return VLC_ENOOBJ;
@@ -111,83 +88,6 @@ int VLC_Create( void )
- * VLC_Init: initialize a libvlc instance
- *****************************************************************************
- * This function initializes a previously allocated libvlc instance:
- *  - CPU detection
- *  - gettext initialization
- *  - message queue, module bank and playlist initialization
- *  - configuration and commandline parsing
- *****************************************************************************/
-int VLC_Init( int i_object, int i_argc, const char *ppsz_argv[] )
-    int i_ret;
-    i_ret = libvlc_InternalInit( p_libvlc, i_argc, ppsz_argv );
-    return i_ret;
- * VLC_AddIntf: add an interface
- *****************************************************************************
- * This function opens an interface plugin and runs it. If b_block is set
- * to 0, VLC_AddIntf will return immediately and let the interface run in a
- * separate thread. If b_block is set to 1, VLC_AddIntf will continue until
- * user requests to quit. If b_play is set to 1, VLC_AddIntf will start playing
- * the playlist when it is completely initialised.
- *****************************************************************************/
-int VLC_AddIntf( int i_object, char const *psz_module,
-                 bool b_block, bool b_play )
-    int i_ret;
-    i_ret = libvlc_InternalAddIntf( p_libvlc, psz_module, b_block, b_play,
-                                    0, NULL );
-    return i_ret;
- * VLC_Die: ask vlc to die.
- *****************************************************************************
- * This function sets p_libvlc->b_die to true, but does not do any other
- * task. It is your duty to call VLC_CleanUp and VLC_Destroy afterwards.
- *****************************************************************************/
-int VLC_Die( int i_object )
-    vlc_object_kill( p_libvlc );
-    return VLC_SUCCESS;
- * VLC_CleanUp: CleanUp all the intf, playlist, vout, aout
- *****************************************************************************/
-int VLC_CleanUp( int i_object )
-    int i_ret;
-    i_ret = libvlc_InternalCleanup( p_libvlc );
-    return i_ret;
- * VLC_Destroy: Destroy everything.
- *****************************************************************************
- * This function requests the running threads to finish, waits for their
- * termination, and destroys their structure.
- *****************************************************************************/
-int VLC_Destroy( int i_object )
-    return libvlc_InternalDestroy( p_libvlc, i_object ? true : false );
  * VLC_VariableSet: set a "safe" vlc variable
 int VLC_VariableSet( int i_object, char const *psz_var, vlc_value_t value )

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