[vlc-devel] Status of GUI support for RTSP seeking/fast-forward/reverse-play?

Glen Gray slaine at slaine.org
Tue Nov 11 14:54:05 CET 2008


On 11 Nov 2008, at 13:28, Laurent Aimar wrote:
>> Well, the patchset basically got the Rate code in src/input/input.c
>> iirc to query the demuxer to see if it supported scaled trickplay
>> +            int i_rate, i_ret;
>> +            vlc_bool_t b_scale_trickplay = VLC_FALSE;
>> +
>> +            /* Check to see if the Demux allows us to use Scale
>> trickplay */
>> +            i_ret = demux2_Control( p_input->input.p_demux,
>> +                                    DEMUX_HAS_SCALE_TRICKPLAY,
>> +                                    &b_scale_trickplay );
>> +            if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS && b_scale_trickplay ==  
>> +            {
>> +                double scale = val.f_float;
>> +
>> +                msg_Dbg( p_input, "Setting RTSP Scale to %0.2f",
>> scale);
>> +                demux2_Control( p_input->input.p_demux,
>> +                                scale );
>> +                msg_Dbg( p_input, "Checking Scale....");
>> +                /* Now, readback the value actually used by the
>> server */
>> +                demux2_Control( p_input->input.p_demux,
>> +                                &scale);
>> +                msg_Dbg( p_input, "Scale set to %0.2f", scale);
>>              }
>> That's from my original patch, I know fenrir made some adjustments to
>> the patches based on conversations that where held on IRC at the  
>> time,
>> I can't recall exactly what.
> and
> then the rate is set using the standard DEMUX_SET_RATE at the demux  
> level.
> So except rewind, everything is there to support rtsp ff.

The reason I used a different set of control calls here  
(DEMUX_SET_SCALE...) was that the mechanisms for setting the value of  
the RATE and passing up those RATE versions where specifically not  
going to allow negative float values and hence couldn't be used for  
rewind trickplay. The issues are more to do with the input layer and  
getting those values into the demux rather than with whether tricplay  
works or not. It works perfectly well.

Glen Gray
slaine at slaine.org

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