[vlc-devel] [LONG] Who was behind VLC 0.9?

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Mon Oct 13 21:49:10 CEST 2008


These is what I get from the LWN git data miner from the current HEAD of 
0.9-bugfix to down to 0.8.5. These statistics are NOT accurate. Don't run to 
me for sympathy if you're fired for basing some consulting report on it. For 
one thing, many commits were done with subversion, which lacked proper 
authoring informations.

* M2X stats are inflated:
  Raphaël Carré uses the same address for corporate and personnal email.
* Centraliens are those volunteers I know as graduate or students at ECP.
  They account for 2 thirds of the development effort.
* Affiliations are based on my often uneducated guesses.
  There are many unknowns, and possibly lots of errors.
* master branch commits past 0.9.0 are not included.
* Please help me fixing the affiliations!

Processed 10249 csets from 91 developers
16 employers found
A total of 457287 lines added, 295983 removed (delta 161304)

Developers with the most changesets
Rémi Denis-Courmont       2528 (24.7%)
Jean-Baptiste Kempf       1253 (12.2%)
Pierre d'Herbemont        1200 (11.7%)
Rafaël Carré               775 (7.6%)
Antoine Cellerier          734 (7.2%)
Jean-Paul Saman            584 (5.7%)
Laurent Aimar              540 (5.3%)
Clément Stenac             389 (3.8%)
Rémi Duraffort             361 (3.5%)
Christophe Mutricy         255 (2.5%)
Derk-Jan Hartman           252 (2.5%)
Damien Fouilleul           234 (2.3%)
Felix Paul Kühne           154 (1.5%)
Ilkka Ollakka               89 (0.9%)
Filippo Carone              85 (0.8%)
Olivier Aubert              80 (0.8%)
Gildas Bazin                64 (0.6%)
Dennis van Amerongen        59 (0.6%)
Yoann Peronneau             52 (0.5%)
Olivier Teulière            46 (0.4%)
Pavlov Konstantin           43 (0.4%)
Sam Hocevar                 43 (0.4%)
Jean-Philippe Andre         40 (0.4%)
Sigmund Augdal              39 (0.4%)
Marian Durkovic             27 (0.3%)
Faustino Osuna              25 (0.2%)
Bernie Purcell              23 (0.2%)
Benjamin Pracht             23 (0.2%)
Christophe Massiot          22 (0.2%)
Richard Hosking             18 (0.2%)
Lukas Durfina               14 (0.1%)
Cyril Deguet                14 (0.1%)
Jérôme Decoodt              13 (0.1%)
David Flynn                 11 (0.1%)
Philippe Morin              11 (0.1%)
Mirsal Ennaime              10 (0.1%)
Eric Petit                   9 (0.1%)
André Weber                  9 (0.1%)
Ken Self                     9 (0.1%)
Vincent Penquerc'h           8 (0.1%)
Mark Moriarty                7 (0.1%)
Przemyslaw Fiala             6 (0.1%)
Tanguy Krotoff               6 (0.1%)
Dominique Leuenberger        5 (0.0%)
Justus Piater                5 (0.0%)
Alexis Ballier               4 (0.0%)
Sebastien Escudier           4 (0.0%)
Geoffroy Couprie             4 (0.0%)
Fabio Ritrovato              4 (0.0%)
Adrien Maglo                 4 (0.0%)
Søren Bøg                    4 (0.0%)
Adrien Grand                 3 (0.0%)
Kaloyan Kovachev             3 (0.0%)
Anthony Loiseau              3 (0.0%)
Miguel Angel Cabrera Moya    3 (0.0%)
Loren Merritt                3 (0.0%)
Loïc Minier                  2 (0.0%)
Jonathan Rosser              2 (0.0%)
Georgi Chorbadzhiyski        2 (0.0%)
Rov Juvano                   2 (0.0%)
Bill C Riemers               2 (0.0%)
Wang Bo                      2 (0.0%)
Kaarlo Raiha                 2 (0.0%)
Antoine Lejeune              2 (0.0%)
Michael Ploujnikov           2 (0.0%)
Dylan                        2 (0.0%)
Sreng Jean                   2 (0.0%)
JPeg                         1 (0.0%)
Aurelien Nephtali            1 (0.0%)
Nicolas Chauvet              1 (0.0%)
Hannes Domani                1 (0.0%)
Yohann Martineau             1 (0.0%)
Bill C. Riemers              1 (0.0%)
Matthias Bauer               1 (0.0%)
Ibraheem Paredath            1 (0.0%)
maxime Ripard                1 (0.0%)
arai                         1 (0.0%)
Cristian Maglie              1 (0.0%)
Jean-François Massol         1 (0.0%)
Mohammed Adnène Trojette     1 (0.0%)
Boris Dorès                  1 (0.0%)

Developers with the most changed lines
Rémi Denis-Courmont      60830 (11.2%)
Pierre d'Herbemont       53438 (9.9%)
Antoine Cellerier        50742 (9.4%)
Rafaël Carré             47231 (8.7%)
Clément Stenac           38741 (7.1%)
Jean-Baptiste Kempf      37646 (6.9%)
Damien Fouilleul         36326 (6.7%)
Jean-Paul Saman          34003 (6.3%)
Laurent Aimar            27578 (5.1%)
Derk-Jan Hartman         14929 (2.8%)
Olivier Aubert            6436 (1.2%)
Rémi Duraffort            5988 (1.1%)
Christophe Mutricy        5185 (1.0%)
Filippo Carone            4567 (0.8%)
Anthony Loiseau           4286 (0.8%)
Ilkka Ollakka             4013 (0.7%)
Felix Paul Kühne          3285 (0.6%)
Sigmund Augdal            2518 (0.5%)
Matthias Bauer            2154 (0.4%)
Olivier Teulière          2115 (0.4%)
Yoann Peronneau           2024 (0.4%)
Christophe Massiot        1889 (0.3%)
Gildas Bazin              1861 (0.3%)
Bernie Purcell            1768 (0.3%)
Sam Hocevar               1681 (0.3%)
Miguel Angel Cabrera Moya 1551 (0.3%)
André Weber               1245 (0.2%)
Benjamin Pracht           1158 (0.2%)
Richard Hosking           1068 (0.2%)
Vincent Penquerc'h         989 (0.2%)
Jean-Philippe Andre        950 (0.2%)
Dennis van Amerongen       914 (0.2%)
Wang Bo                    776 (0.1%)
Lukas Durfina              689 (0.1%)
Pavlov Konstantin          659 (0.1%)
Jonathan Rosser            655 (0.1%)
Jérôme Decoodt             646 (0.1%)
Cyril Deguet               578 (0.1%)
Rov Juvano                 544 (0.1%)
Sreng Jean                 541 (0.1%)
Faustino Osuna             511 (0.1%)
Søren Bøg                  488 (0.1%)
Ken Self                   434 (0.1%)
Marian Durkovic            377 (0.1%)
Philippe Morin             376 (0.1%)
Kaloyan Kovachev           302 (0.1%)
arai                       220 (0.0%)
Tanguy Krotoff             194 (0.0%)
Przemyslaw Fiala           171 (0.0%)
Adrien Maglo               162 (0.0%)
Eric Petit                 159 (0.0%)
Mirsal Ennaime             148 (0.0%)
Dominique Leuenberger      140 (0.0%)
David Flynn                124 (0.0%)
Justus Piater              118 (0.0%)
Yohann Martineau            86 (0.0%)
Fabio Ritrovato             84 (0.0%)
Sebastien Escudier          81 (0.0%)
Geoffroy Couprie            80 (0.0%)
Kaarlo Raiha                70 (0.0%)
Dylan                       67 (0.0%)
Bill C. Riemers             54 (0.0%)
Alexis Ballier              48 (0.0%)
Antoine Lejeune             34 (0.0%)
JPeg                        32 (0.0%)
Mark Moriarty               21 (0.0%)
Cristian Maglie             19 (0.0%)
Jean-François Massol        19 (0.0%)
Georgi Chorbadzhiyski       16 (0.0%)
Bill C Riemers              14 (0.0%)
Boris Dorès                 12 (0.0%)
Loren Merritt               10 (0.0%)
Michael Ploujnikov           7 (0.0%)
Adrien Grand                 6 (0.0%)
Loïc Minier                  3 (0.0%)
Aurelien Nephtali            2 (0.0%)
Nicolas Chauvet              1 (0.0%)
Hannes Domani                1 (0.0%)
Ibraheem Paredath            1 (0.0%)
maxime Ripard                1 (0.0%)
Mohammed Adnène Trojette     1 (0.0%)

Developers with the most lines removed
Derk-Jan Hartman          9527 (3.2%)
Anthony Loiseau           1219 (0.4%)
Rémi Duraffort             683 (0.2%)
Pavlov Konstantin          140 (0.0%)
Dominique Leuenberger       34 (0.0%)
Ibraheem Paredath            1 (0.0%)

Developers with the most signoffs (total 215)
Jean-Baptiste Kempf         63 (29.3%)
Rémi Denis-Courmont         38 (17.7%)
Christophe Mutricy          33 (15.3%)
Derk-Jan Hartman            24 (11.2%)
Jean-Paul Saman             15 (7.0%)
Pierre d'Herbemont          14 (6.5%)
Rafaël Carré                13 (6.0%)
Antoine Cellerier            7 (3.3%)
Rémi Duraffort               3 (1.4%)
Ilkka Ollakka                2 (0.9%)
David Flynn                  1 (0.5%)
Filippo Carone               1 (0.5%)
Felix Paul Kühne             1 (0.5%)

Top changeset contributors by employer
(Centraliens)             7462 (72.8%)
Multimedia 2 Unix (M2X)   1359 (13.3%)
(Unknown)                  800 (7.8%)
(None)                     434 (4.2%)
CNRS                        80 (0.8%)
VIA Centrale Réseaux        40 (0.4%)
Bratislava Trade Site       27 (0.3%)
Free SAS                    22 (0.2%)
BBC                         13 (0.1%)
Actech                       3 (0.0%)
Tampereen teknillinen yl.    2 (0.0%)
Unix Solutions               2 (0.0%)
Funky                        2 (0.0%)
Autistici collective         1 (0.0%)
RedHat                       1 (0.0%)
UT de Belfort-Monbéliard     1 (0.0%)

Top lines changed by employer
(Centraliens)           344686 (63.6%)
Multimedia 2 Unix (M2X)  85987 (15.9%)
(Unknown)                71215 (13.1%)
(None)                   22613 (4.2%)
CNRS                      8740 (1.6%)
Actech                    4392 (0.8%)
Free SAS                  1898 (0.4%)
VIA Centrale Réseaux      1010 (0.2%)
BBC                        802 (0.1%)
Bratislava Trade Site      442 (0.1%)
Tampereen teknillinen yl.   70 (0.0%)
RedHat                      54 (0.0%)
Funky                       19 (0.0%)
Autistici collective        19 (0.0%)
Unix Solutions              16 (0.0%)
UT de Belfort-Monbéliard     1 (0.0%)

Employers with the most signoffs (total 215)
(Centraliens)              158 (73.5%)
Multimedia 2 Unix (M2X)     28 (13.0%)
(None)                      25 (11.6%)
(Unknown)                    3 (1.4%)
BBC                          1 (0.5%)

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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