[vlc-devel] [PATCH] RTSP authentication with DSS

Rolf Ahrenberg Rolf.Ahrenberg at saunalahti.com
Thu Oct 30 11:33:31 CET 2008

This patch enables a working RTSP authentication with the Darwin 
streaming server (DSS).

When the VLC is compiled against Live555 streaming media library 
(live.2008.09.02), the
authentication fails when both username and password are asked via a VLC 
dialog as the
DSS requires authorization also for SETUP, PLAY, and TEARDOWN commands 
and the necessary
information isn't delivered correctly to the Live555 library. The VLC 
used Live555 interface in
such a way, that the authenticator was valid only for the DESCRIBE when 
I debugged the library
with vlc-0.9.2. The problem still exists in vlc-0.9.5.

I've also attached RTSP logs done with vanilla and patched vlc-0.9.5, 
where you can clearly see
the problem:

* vlc rtsp://localhost/sample_h264_1mbit.mp4
  - vanilla-dialog.log: FAIL
  - patched-dialog.log: OK

* vlc rtsp://foo:bar@localhost/sample_h264_1mbit.mp4
  - vanilla.log: OK
  - patched.log: OK

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