[vlc-devel] vlm bug

Sébastien Escudier sebastien-devel at celeos.eu
Fri Sep 5 16:36:28 CEST 2008


I discovered a bug in vlm :
libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast and libvlc_vlm_add_vod functions

It happens when you try to add multiples media with the same name.

The first time you add a media with a name already in use,
libvlc_exception_raise does nothing, so the media is deleted twice.

If you keep going (add another media with the same name again), the exception is
raised, but it is too late, the first time messed everything up.

It would be better to return after libvlc_exception_raise (I tested and it
works, see attached patch).

But why the exception is not raised the first time ?
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Name: 0001-avoid-double-vlm_media_Clean.patch
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