[vlc-devel] commit: Convert stream to system timestamp after the decoder. ( Laurent Aimar )

git version control git at videolan.org
Sun Sep 28 13:36:03 CEST 2008

vlc | branch: master | Laurent Aimar <fenrir at videolan.org> | Sat Sep 27 23:59:11 2008 +0200| [f6cc8a39507a630bb20c865b81039eafa72834b6] | committer: Laurent Aimar 

Convert stream to system timestamp after the decoder.

- This is needed for proper seek/pause/fast forward/...
- The decoder/packetizer do not need to scale packet length anymore as the
decoder thread do it.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=f6cc8a39507a630bb20c865b81039eafa72834b6

 include/vlc_codec.h               |   23 ++++++
 include/vlc_codec_synchro.h       |    2 +-
 modules/codec/a52.c               |   14 +---
 modules/codec/avcodec/audio.c     |   10 +---
 modules/codec/avcodec/video.c     |   15 ++---
 modules/codec/csri.c              |   13 ++--
 modules/codec/faad.c              |   12 +---
 modules/codec/libass.c            |   25 ++-----
 modules/codec/libmpeg2.c          |   12 +--
 modules/codec/mpeg_audio.c        |   14 +---
 modules/codec/spudec/parse.c      |    2 -
 modules/codec/spudec/spudec.c     |    1 -
 modules/codec/spudec/spudec.h     |    1 -
 modules/codec/subtitles/subsdec.c |    2 -
 modules/codec/subtitles/subsusf.c |    2 -
 modules/codec/telx.c              |    3 -
 modules/codec/vorbis.c            |   13 +---
 modules/packetizer/mpeg4audio.c   |   14 +---
 modules/packetizer/mpeg4video.c   |    8 +--
 modules/packetizer/vc1.c          |    1 -
 src/input/clock.c                 |   13 ++++
 src/input/decoder.c               |  112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/input/decoder_synchro.c       |   31 ++++----
 src/input/es_out.c                |  139 ++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/input/input_clock.h           |    9 ++-
 src/libvlccore.sym                |    1 +
 26 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commitdiff;h=f6cc8a39507a630bb20c865b81039eafa72834b6

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