[vlc-devel] Has anyone compiled VLC for MacOS X 64-bit intel?

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne.videolan at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 29 16:51:05 CEST 2009

Hello there

> I am curious as to whether anyone has tried making a 64-bit build of  
> VLC for
> MacOS X? If so what are the open issues?
VLC's latest development source compiles quite nicely 64bit Darwin  
systems. It actually even includes a binary contribs package to get  
you started quickly. While the compilation is nice, there are several  
runtime issues covered by a NDA. However, you'll stumble across these  
with the current Snow Leopard builds.

You're welcome to ask further questions here and of course to provide  
patches fixing some of the issues ;-)

Best regards,


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