[vlc-devel] commit: Removing historical comment ( Rémi Denis-Courmont )

git version control git at videolan.org
Sun Aug 23 21:39:02 CEST 2009

vlc | branch: master | Rémi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net> | Sun Aug 23 22:34:14 2009 +0300| [372698b89ac009a080d3540a66316913aeb09b87] | committer: Rémi Denis-Courmont 

Removing historical comment

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=372698b89ac009a080d3540a66316913aeb09b87

 src/modules/modules.c |    5 -----
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/modules/modules.c b/src/modules/modules.c
index 5e4a0bf..972d23e 100644
--- a/src/modules/modules.c
+++ b/src/modules/modules.c
@@ -405,11 +405,6 @@ static int modulecmp (const void *a, const void *b)
  * Return the best module function, given a capability list.
- * If the p_this object doesn't have it's psz_object_name set, then
- * psz_object_name will be set to the module's name, unless the user
- * provided an alias using the "module name at alias" syntax in which case
- * psz_object_name will be set to the alias.
- *
  * \param p_this the vlc object
  * \param psz_capability list of capabilities needed
  * \param psz_name name of the module asked

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