[vlc-devel] commit: DirectX aout: select the output device by its name instead of its number in preferences (Geoffroy Couprie )

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Sat Dec 26 17:27:37 CET 2009

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 04:24:32PM +0100, git version control wrote :
> DirectX aout: select the output device by its name instead of its number in preferences
Gosh! thank you! I have no idea who decided the old thing was a good
idea, but I am not sure I want to know.

> -    add_integer( "directx-audio-device", 0, NULL, DEVICE_TEXT,
> -                 DEVICE_LONGTEXT, true )
> +    add_string( "directx-audio-device-name", "default", NULL,
> +             DEVICE_TEXT, DEVICE_LONGTEXT, false )
> +    change_string_list( ppsz_adev, ppsz_adev_text, ReloadDirectXDevices )
> +    change_action_add( ReloadDirectXDevices, N_("Refresh list") )
You need to deprecate "directx-audio-device" like in waveout

> +    int * a = (int *)p_nb;
> +    *a = *a +1;
> +    return 1;
A bit ugly, no? :D

Best Regards,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf

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