[vlc-devel] commit: Implement menu command. Disable eval command unless rc={eval= 1} is set. (Antoine Cellerier )
git version control
git at videolan.org
Sun Dec 27 23:19:46 CET 2009
vlc | branch: master | Antoine Cellerier <dionoea at videolan.org> | Sun Dec 27 21:08:55 2009 +0100| [4cf0140c9f3419ea81a50745eaab2bf373875cce] | committer: Antoine Cellerier
Implement menu command. Disable eval command unless rc={eval=1} is set.
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=4cf0140c9f3419ea81a50745eaab2bf373875cce
share/lua/intf/rc.lua | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++------
1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/share/lua/intf/rc.lua b/share/lua/intf/rc.lua
index 1926497..2fd30ee 100644
--- a/share/lua/intf/rc.lua
+++ b/share/lua/intf/rc.lua
@@ -28,18 +28,20 @@ description=
This is a modules/control/rc.c look alike (with a bunch of new features)
Use on local term:
- vlc -I luarc
+ vlc -I rc
Use on tcp connection:
- vlc -I luarc --lua-config "rc={host='localhost:4212'}"
+ vlc -I rc --lua-config "rc={host='localhost:4212'}"
Use on multiple hosts (term + 2 tcp ports):
- vlc -I luarc --lua-config "rc={hosts={'*console','localhost:4212','localhost:5678'}}"
+ vlc -I rc --lua-config "rc={hosts={'*console','localhost:4212','localhost:5678'}}"
- -I luarc is an alias for -I lua --lua-intf rc
+ -I rc and -I luarc are aliases for -I lua --lua-intf rc
Configuration options setable throught the --lua-config option are:
* hosts: A list of hosts to listen on.
* host: A host to listen on. (won't be used if `hosts' is set)
+ * eval: Add eval command to evaluate lua expressions. Set to any value to
+ enable.
The following can be set using the --lua-config option or in the interface
itself using the `set' command:
* prompt: The prompt.
@@ -435,6 +437,15 @@ function listvalue(obj,var)
+function menu(name,client,value)
+ local map = { on='show', off='hide', up='up', down='down', left='prev', right='next', ['select']='activate' }
+ if map[value] and vlc.osd.menu[map[value]] then
+ vlc.osd.menu[map[value]]()
+ else
+ client:append("Unknown menu command '"..tostring(value).."'")
+ end
function eval(client,val)
client:append(loadstring("return "..val)())
@@ -497,12 +508,11 @@ commands_ordered = {
{ "snapshot"; { func = common.snapshot; help = "take video snapshot" } };
{ "strack"; { func = skip(listvalue("input","spu-es")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get subtitles track" } };
{ "hotkey"; { func = skip(common.hotkey); args = "[hotkey name]"; help = "simulate hotkey press"; adv = true; aliases = { "key" } } };
- { "menu"; { func = fixme; args = "[on|off|up|down|left|right|select]"; help = "use menu"; adv = true } };
+ { "menu"; { func = menu; args = "[on|off|up|down|left|right|select]"; help = "use menu"; adv = true } };
{ "" };
{ "set"; { func = set_env; args = "[var [value]]"; help = "set/get env var"; adv = true } };
{ "save_env"; { func = save_env; help = "save env vars (for future clients)"; adv = true } };
{ "alias"; { func = skip(alias); args = "[cmd]"; help = "set/get command aliases"; adv = true } };
- { "eval"; { func = skip(eval); help = "eval some lua (*debug*)"; adv =true } }; -- FIXME: comment out if you're not debugging
{ "description"; { func = print_text("Description",description); help = "describe this module" } };
{ "license"; { func = print_text("License message",vlc.misc.license()); help = "print VLC's license message"; adv = true } };
{ "help"; { func = help; args = "[pattern]"; help = "a help message"; aliases = { "?" } } };
@@ -511,6 +521,11 @@ commands_ordered = {
{ "quit"; { func = quit; help = "quit VLC (or logout if in a socket connection)" } };
{ "shutdown"; { func = shutdown; help = "shutdown VLC" } };
+if config.eval then
+ commands_ordered[#commands_ordered] = { "eval"; { func = skip(eval); help = "eval some lua (*debug*)"; adv =true } }
commands = {}
for i, cmd in ipairs( commands_ordered ) do
if #cmd == 2 then
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