[vlc-devel] commit: vlc_url.h: warning about overriden variable. ( Rémi Duraffort )

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Tue Feb 3 15:01:52 CET 2009

On Tue,  3 Feb 2009 11:50:40 +0100 (CET), git at videolan.org (git version
control) wrote:
> vlc | branch: master | Rémi Duraffort <ivoire at videolan.org> | Sun Feb  1
> 17:23:18 2009 +0100| [bbd5ed6247b2b683af3beeda0e727e4072c9bd09] |
> committer: Rémi Duraffort 
> vlc_url.h: warning about overriden variable.

This is NOT the way to fix this problem.

Removing USED variables reduces code maintainability at best, and
introduces new bugs at worse.
Change the names if you really want to fix this issue. But as I already
said many times, removing warnings is not an end in itself. When I see bad
things like this being committed, I think it's best to do nothing.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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