[vlc-devel] [PATCH] activex: a small patch proposal to fix compilation

Anthony Loiseau thannoy at actech-innovation.com
Wed Feb 11 11:46:32 CET 2009


The attached patch is a modification which was useful for me to properly
compile activex (using mingw32/fedora10). I am not sure it is needed by
everyone, but in case, here it is. It adds stdio includes where snprintf
is used.

NB: I also modified qt4.cpp to comment out the Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN of
qtaccessiblewidgets (around line 57) for my crosscompile to succeed, but
it is quite ugly I think, so no patch for it :)

-------------- next part --------------
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Name: 0002-activex-snprintf-is-defined-in-stdio.h-include-it.patch
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