[vlc-devel] commit: Improved ac3/eac3 support in mp4 (fix #2524). (Laurent Aimar )

git version control git at videolan.org
Tue Feb 17 23:50:17 CET 2009

vlc | branch: master | Laurent Aimar <fenrir at videolan.org> | Tue Feb 17 23:48:36 2009 +0100| [d1d56e18a807abb076a24428352c6a9ea60aea16] | committer: Laurent Aimar 

Improved ac3/eac3 support in mp4 (fix #2524).

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=d1d56e18a807abb076a24428352c6a9ea60aea16

 modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.c |   26 +++++++
 modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.h |   14 ++++
 modules/demux/mp4/mp4.c    |  155 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 3 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.c b/modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.c
index 7e9a538..6902eb6 100644
--- a/modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.c
+++ b/modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.c
@@ -1111,6 +1111,31 @@ error:
     MP4_READBOX_EXIT( 0 );
+static int MP4_ReadBox_dac3( stream_t *p_stream, MP4_Box_t *p_box )
+    MP4_Box_data_dac3_t *p_dac3;
+    MP4_READBOX_ENTER( MP4_Box_data_dac3_t );
+    p_dac3 = p_box->data.p_dac3;
+    unsigned i_header;
+    MP4_GET3BYTES( i_header );
+    p_dac3->i_fscod = ( i_header >> 22 ) & 0x03;
+    p_dac3->i_bsid  = ( i_header >> 17 ) & 0x01f;
+    p_dac3->i_bsmod = ( i_header >> 14 ) & 0x07;
+    p_dac3->i_acmod = ( i_header >> 11 ) & 0x07;
+    p_dac3->i_lfeon = ( i_header >> 10 ) & 0x01;
+    p_dac3->i_bitrate_code = ( i_header >> 5) & 0x1f;
+#ifdef MP4_VERBOSE
+    msg_Dbg( p_stream,
+             "read box: \"dac3\" fscod=0x%x bsid=0x%x bsmod=0x%x acmod=0x%x lfeon=0x%x bitrate_code=0x%x",
+             p_dac3->i_fscod, p_dac3->i_bsid, p_dac3->i_bsmod, p_dac3->i_acmod, p_dac3->i_lfeon, p_dac3->i_bitrate_code );
+    MP4_READBOX_EXIT( 1 );
 static int MP4_ReadBox_sample_soun( stream_t *p_stream, MP4_Box_t *p_box )
     unsigned int i;
@@ -2528,6 +2553,7 @@ static const struct
     { FOURCC_dcom,  MP4_ReadBox_dcom,       MP4_FreeBox_Common },
     { FOURCC_cmvd,  MP4_ReadBox_cmvd,       MP4_FreeBox_cmvd },
     { FOURCC_avcC,  MP4_ReadBox_avcC,       MP4_FreeBox_avcC },
+    { FOURCC_dac3,  MP4_ReadBox_dac3,       MP4_FreeBox_Common },
     /* Nothing to do with this box */
     { FOURCC_mdat,  MP4_ReadBoxSkip,        MP4_FreeBox_Common },
diff --git a/modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.h b/modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.h
index 6b64048..a4e786d 100644
--- a/modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.h
+++ b/modules/demux/mp4/libmp4.h
@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@
 #define FOURCC_sawb VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'a', 'w', 'b' )
 #define FOURCC_OggS VLC_FOURCC( 'O', 'g', 'g', 'S' )
 #define FOURCC_alac VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'l', 'a', 'c' )
+#define FOURCC_dac3 VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'a', 'c', '3' )
+#define FOURCC_dec3 VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'e', 'c', '3' )
 #define FOURCC_zlib VLC_FOURCC( 'z', 'l', 'i', 'b' )
 #define FOURCC_SVQ1 VLC_FOURCC( 'S', 'V', 'Q', '1' )
@@ -859,6 +861,17 @@ typedef struct
 } MP4_Box_data_avcC_t;
+typedef struct
+    uint8_t i_fscod;
+    uint8_t i_bsid;
+    uint8_t i_bsmod;
+    uint8_t i_acmod;
+    uint8_t i_lfeon;
+    uint8_t i_bitrate_code;
+} MP4_Box_data_dac3_t;
 typedef struct MP4_Box_data__s
@@ -892,6 +905,7 @@ typedef union MP4_Box_data_s
         MP4_Box_data_esds_t *p_esds;
         MP4_Box_data_avcC_t *p_avcC;
+        MP4_Box_data_dac3_t *p_dac3;
     MP4_Box_data_stsz_t *p_stsz;
     MP4_Box_data_stz2_t *p_stz2;
diff --git a/modules/demux/mp4/mp4.c b/modules/demux/mp4/mp4.c
index de0b001..36d8e06 100644
--- a/modules/demux/mp4/mp4.c
+++ b/modules/demux/mp4/mp4.c
@@ -1486,6 +1486,70 @@ static int TrackCreateES( demux_t *p_demux, mp4_track_t *p_track,
+    /* */
+    switch( p_track->fmt.i_cat )
+    {
+    case VIDEO_ES:
+        p_track->fmt.video.i_width = p_sample->data.p_sample_vide->i_width;
+        p_track->fmt.video.i_height = p_sample->data.p_sample_vide->i_height;
+        p_track->fmt.video.i_bits_per_pixel =
+            p_sample->data.p_sample_vide->i_depth;
+        /* fall on display size */
+        if( p_track->fmt.video.i_width <= 0 )
+            p_track->fmt.video.i_width = p_track->i_width;
+        if( p_track->fmt.video.i_height <= 0 )
+            p_track->fmt.video.i_height = p_track->i_height;
+        /* Find out apect ratio from display size */
+        if( p_track->i_width > 0 && p_track->i_height > 0 &&
+            /* Work-around buggy muxed files */
+            p_sample->data.p_sample_vide->i_width != p_track->i_width )
+            p_track->fmt.video.i_aspect =
+                VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR * p_track->i_width / p_track->i_height;
+        /* Support for cropping (eg. in H263 files) */
+        p_track->fmt.video.i_visible_width = p_track->fmt.video.i_width;
+        p_track->fmt.video.i_visible_height = p_track->fmt.video.i_height;
+        /* Frame rate */
+        p_track->fmt.video.i_frame_rate = p_track->i_timescale;
+        p_track->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base = 1;
+        if( p_track->fmt.video.i_frame_rate &&
+            (p_box = MP4_BoxGet( p_track->p_stbl, "stts" )) &&
+            p_box->data.p_stts->i_entry_count >= 1 )
+        {
+            p_track->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base =
+                p_box->data.p_stts->i_sample_delta[0];
+        }
+        break;
+    case AUDIO_ES:
+        p_track->fmt.audio.i_channels =
+            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_channelcount;
+        p_track->fmt.audio.i_rate =
+            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_sampleratehi;
+        p_track->fmt.i_bitrate = p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_channelcount *
+            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_sampleratehi *
+                p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_samplesize;
+        p_track->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample =
+            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_samplesize;
+        if( p_track->i_sample_size != 0 &&
+            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_qt_version == 1 && p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_sample_per_packet <= 0 )
+        {
+            msg_Err( p_demux, "Invalid sample per packet value for qt_version 1" );
+            return VLC_EGENERIC;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
     /* It's a little ugly but .. there are special cases */
     switch( p_sample->i_type )
@@ -1498,6 +1562,34 @@ static int TrackCreateES( demux_t *p_demux, mp4_track_t *p_track,
                 p_soun->i_qt_version = 0;
+        case( VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'c', '-', '3' ) ):
+        {
+            MP4_Box_t *p_dac3_box = MP4_BoxGet(  p_sample, "dac3", 0 );
+            p_track->fmt.i_codec = VLC_FOURCC( 'a', '5', '2', ' ' );
+            if( p_dac3_box )
+            {
+                static const int pi_bitrate[] = {
+                     32,  40,  48,  56,
+                     64,  80,  96, 112,
+                    128, 160, 192, 224,
+                    256, 320, 384, 448,
+                    512, 576, 640,
+                };
+                MP4_Box_data_dac3_t *p_dac3 = p_dac3_box->data.p_dac3;
+                p_track->fmt.audio.i_channels = 0;
+                p_track->fmt.i_bitrate = 0;
+                if( p_dac3->i_bitrate_code < sizeof(pi_bitrate)/sizeof(*pi_bitrate) )
+                    p_track->fmt.i_bitrate = pi_bitrate[p_dac3->i_bitrate_code] * 1000;
+                p_track->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = 0;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        case( VLC_FOURCC( 'e', 'c', '-', '3' ) ):
+        {
+            p_track->fmt.i_codec = VLC_FOURCC( 'e', 'a', 'c', '3' );
+            break;
+        }
         case( VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'a', 'w', ' ' ) ):
         case( VLC_FOURCC( 'N', 'O', 'N', 'E' ) ):
@@ -1740,69 +1832,6 @@ static int TrackCreateES( demux_t *p_demux, mp4_track_t *p_track,
 #undef p_decconfig
-    /* some last initialisation */
-    switch( p_track->fmt.i_cat )
-    {
-    case VIDEO_ES:
-        p_track->fmt.video.i_width = p_sample->data.p_sample_vide->i_width;
-        p_track->fmt.video.i_height = p_sample->data.p_sample_vide->i_height;
-        p_track->fmt.video.i_bits_per_pixel =
-            p_sample->data.p_sample_vide->i_depth;
-        /* fall on display size */
-        if( p_track->fmt.video.i_width <= 0 )
-            p_track->fmt.video.i_width = p_track->i_width;
-        if( p_track->fmt.video.i_height <= 0 )
-            p_track->fmt.video.i_height = p_track->i_height;
-        /* Find out apect ratio from display size */
-        if( p_track->i_width > 0 && p_track->i_height > 0 &&
-            /* Work-around buggy muxed files */
-            p_sample->data.p_sample_vide->i_width != p_track->i_width )
-            p_track->fmt.video.i_aspect =
-                VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR * p_track->i_width / p_track->i_height;
-        /* Support for cropping (eg. in H263 files) */
-        p_track->fmt.video.i_visible_width = p_track->fmt.video.i_width;
-        p_track->fmt.video.i_visible_height = p_track->fmt.video.i_height;
-        /* Frame rate */
-        p_track->fmt.video.i_frame_rate = p_track->i_timescale;
-        p_track->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base = 1;
-        if( p_track->fmt.video.i_frame_rate &&
-            (p_box = MP4_BoxGet( p_track->p_stbl, "stts" )) &&
-            p_box->data.p_stts->i_entry_count >= 1 )
-        {
-            p_track->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base =
-                p_box->data.p_stts->i_sample_delta[0];
-        }
-        break;
-    case AUDIO_ES:
-        p_track->fmt.audio.i_channels =
-            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_channelcount;
-        p_track->fmt.audio.i_rate =
-            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_sampleratehi;
-        p_track->fmt.i_bitrate = p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_channelcount *
-            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_sampleratehi *
-                p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_samplesize;
-        p_track->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample =
-            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_samplesize;
-        if( p_track->i_sample_size != 0 &&
-            p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_qt_version == 1 && p_sample->data.p_sample_soun->i_sample_per_packet <= 0 )
-        {
-            msg_Err( p_demux, "Invalid sample per packet value for qt_version 1" );
-            return VLC_EGENERIC;
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
     if( pp_es )
         *pp_es = es_out_Add( p_demux->out, &p_track->fmt );

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