[vlc-devel] WARNING: VLC is being sold without permission!!

xxcv xxcv07 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 02:00:32 CEST 2009

Andre-John Mas wrote:
> On 14-Jul-2009, at 08:37, jpd at videolan.org wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 02:26:36PM +0200, R??mi Denis-Courmont wrote:
>>> At least now, we can see those direct links (which hurt our mirroring
>>> system) from the access.log referrers. I fail to see how preventing 
>>> direct
>>> links would improve rather than worsen the situation. People would 
>>> copy the
>>> file and it would become untraceable to us.
>> Record the attempt, serve up a page with another download link (with
>> mirrors listed). Add ``you've been scammed, demand a refund'' or a more
>> tactful message to taste.
> It may also be worth adding a blurb on the front-page warning people of
> the scammers, and reminding people that VLC is free (though supported
> through donations)?
> The scammers are in business because they know even the smartest
> person is capable of being a fool, even for a short while.
> André-John
Since you should have received a lot of money donations by now.
So why don't you (videolan.org do something about it) launch a law suit
against that domain owner for infringe your Copyright ???????????
Or you wanna let the guy get away with it ?


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