[vlc-devel] commit: macosx: prevent a locked-up UI state when using the date field by removeing the unused NSDataFormatter ( Felix Paul Kühne )

git version control git at videolan.org
Fri Jul 17 15:27:25 CEST 2009

vlc | branch: 1.0-bugfix | Felix Paul Kühne <fkuehne at videolan.org> | Fri Jul 17 15:26:37 2009 +0200| [3a18c1a73b70d318de3a9df6ce125e350184e75f] | committer: Felix Paul Kühne 

macosx: prevent a locked-up UI state when using the date field by removeing the unused NSDataFormatter

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=3a18c1a73b70d318de3a9df6ce125e350184e75f

 .../English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/classes.nib        |  272 +++++++++++++-------
 .../Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/info.nib |    8 +-
 .../English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/keyedobjects.nib   |  Bin 29416 -> 29193 bytes
 3 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/classes.nib b/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/classes.nib
index b53f8c6..56126bc 100644
--- a/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/classes.nib
+++ b/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/classes.nib
@@ -1,93 +1,179 @@
-    IBClasses =     (
-                {
-            CLASS = NSApplication;
-            LANGUAGE = ObjC;
-            SUPERCLASS = NSResponder;
-        },
-                {
-            CLASS = NSObject;
-            LANGUAGE = ObjC;
-        },
-                {
-            CLASS = NSTextField;
-            LANGUAGE = ObjC;
-            SUPERCLASS = NSControl;
-        },
-                {
-            ACTIONS =             {
-                createOutlineGroup = id;
-                deleteOutlineGroup = id;
-                metaFieldChanged = id;
-                saveMetaData = id;
-            };
-            CLASS = VLCInfo;
-            LANGUAGE = ObjC;
-            OUTLETS =             {
-                "o_audio_box" = id;
-                "o_audio_decoded_lbl" = id;
-                "o_audio_decoded_txt" = id;
-                "o_author_lbl" = id;
-                "o_author_txt" = id;
-                "o_collection_lbl" = id;
-                "o_collection_txt" = id;
-                "o_copyright_lbl" = id;
-                "o_copyright_txt" = id;
-                "o_date_lbl" = id;
-                "o_date_txt" = id;
-                "o_demux_bitrate_lbl" = id;
-                "o_demux_bitrate_txt" = id;
-                "o_demux_bytes_lbl" = id;
-                "o_demux_bytes_txt" = id;
-                "o_description_lbl" = id;
-                "o_description_txt" = id;
-                "o_displayed_lbl" = id;
-                "o_displayed_txt" = id;
-                "o_fps_lbl" = id;
-                "o_fps_txt" = id;
-                "o_genre_lbl" = id;
-                "o_genre_txt" = id;
-                "o_image_well" = id;
-                "o_info_window" = id;
-                "o_input_bitrate_lbl" = id;
-                "o_input_bitrate_txt" = id;
-                "o_input_box" = id;
-                "o_language_lbl" = id;
-                "o_language_txt" = id;
-                "o_lost_abuffers_lbl" = id;
-                "o_lost_abuffers_txt" = id;
-                "o_lost_frames_lbl" = id;
-                "o_lost_frames_txt" = id;
-                "o_nowPlaying_lbl" = id;
-                "o_nowPlaying_txt" = id;
-                "o_outline_view" = id;
-                "o_played_abuffers_lbl" = id;
-                "o_played_abuffers_txt" = id;
-                "o_publisher_lbl" = id;
-                "o_publisher_txt" = id;
-                "o_read_bytes_lbl" = id;
-                "o_read_bytes_txt" = id;
-                "o_saveMetaData_btn" = id;
-                "o_sent_bitrate_lbl" = id;
-                "o_sent_bitrate_txt" = id;
-                "o_sent_bytes_lbl" = id;
-                "o_sent_bytes_txt" = id;
-                "o_sent_packets_lbl" = id;
-                "o_sent_packets_txt" = id;
-                "o_seqNum_lbl" = id;
-                "o_seqNum_txt" = id;
-                "o_sout_box" = id;
-                "o_tab_view" = id;
-                "o_title_lbl" = id;
-                "o_title_txt" = id;
-                "o_uri_lbl" = id;
-                "o_uri_txt" = id;
-                "o_video_box" = id;
-                "o_video_decoded_lbl" = id;
-                "o_video_decoded_txt" = id;
-            };
-            SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
-        }
-    );
-    IBVersion = 1;
\ No newline at end of file
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+	<key>IBClasses</key>
+	<array>
+		<dict>
+			<key>CLASS</key>
+			<string>NSApplication</string>
+			<key>LANGUAGE</key>
+			<string>ObjC</string>
+			<key>SUPERCLASS</key>
+			<string>NSResponder</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>CLASS</key>
+			<string>NSTextField</string>
+			<key>LANGUAGE</key>
+			<string>ObjC</string>
+			<key>SUPERCLASS</key>
+			<string>NSControl</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>CLASS</key>
+			<string>NSObject</string>
+			<key>LANGUAGE</key>
+			<string>ObjC</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>ACTIONS</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>createOutlineGroup</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>deleteOutlineGroup</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>downloadCoverArt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>metaFieldChanged</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>saveMetaData</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>CLASS</key>
+			<string>VLCInfo</string>
+			<key>LANGUAGE</key>
+			<string>ObjC</string>
+			<key>OUTLETS</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>o_audio_box</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_audio_decoded_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_audio_decoded_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_author_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_author_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_collection_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_collection_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_copyright_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_copyright_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_date_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_date_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_demux_bitrate_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_demux_bitrate_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_demux_bytes_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_demux_bytes_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_description_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_description_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_displayed_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_displayed_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_fps_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_fps_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_genre_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_genre_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_image_well</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_info_window</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_input_bitrate_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_input_bitrate_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_input_box</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_language_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_language_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_lost_abuffers_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_lost_abuffers_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_lost_frames_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_lost_frames_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_nowPlaying_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_nowPlaying_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_outline_view</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_played_abuffers_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_played_abuffers_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_publisher_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_publisher_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_read_bytes_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_read_bytes_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_saveMetaData_btn</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_sent_bitrate_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_sent_bitrate_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_sent_bytes_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_sent_bytes_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_sent_packets_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_sent_packets_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_seqNum_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_seqNum_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_sout_box</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_tab_view</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_title_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_title_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_uri_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_uri_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_video_box</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_video_decoded_lbl</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+				<key>o_video_decoded_txt</key>
+				<string>id</string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>SUPERCLASS</key>
+			<string>NSObject</string>
+		</dict>
+	</array>
+	<key>IBVersion</key>
+	<string>1</string>
diff --git a/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/info.nib b/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/info.nib
index 87d23af..5da9989 100644
--- a/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/info.nib
+++ b/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/info.nib
@@ -2,20 +2,18 @@
 <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
 <plist version="1.0">
-	<key>IBDocumentLocation</key>
-	<string>69 68 356 240 0 0 1280 778 </string>
 	<key>IBFramework Version</key>
-	<string>489.0</string>
+	<string>677</string>
-		<integer>2</integer>
+		<integer>3</integer>
 	<key>IBSystem Version</key>
-	<string>9E17</string>
+	<string>9L25</string>
diff --git a/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/keyedobjects.nib b/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/keyedobjects.nib
index f07524c..baf3344 100644
Binary files a/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/keyedobjects.nib and b/extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MediaInfo.nib/keyedobjects.nib differ

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