[vlc-devel] vlc python bindings

Olivier Aubert olivier.aubert at liris.cnrs.fr
Mon Jul 20 22:49:07 CEST 2009


Neither of both. You are simply reinstanciating a new VLC instance at
each invocation, and thus quickly wasting memory. Why not reuse the
existing one ?


On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 19:35 +0000, Pluch' wrote:
> Hello,

> When I try the vlc Python Bindings in a loop, the memory used by my
> script increase each time I start a new player with
> player=vlc.MediaControl(). After about 50-55 starts on linux (about
> 150 starts on windows), the script runs out of memory.
> Is it a problem with the script below or is there something wrong with
> the bindings.
> Thanks!
> the script :
> #! /usr/bin/env python
> import vlc, time
> idx=0
> while True:
>    idx+=1
>    player=vlc.MediaControl()
>    time.sleep(2)
>    print (str(idx)+"---")*10
>    del player
>    time.sleep(1)


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