[vlc-devel] [PATCH] GSoC: lua services discovery, first try

Fabio Ritrovato exsephiroth87 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 01:19:31 CEST 2009

Hi everyone,
here's the first batch of patches for my SoC, hoping they are ok...
The first one add new the ability to add, get and remove items from
sds, and create a structure to hold the parameters and sd can
It also create uncachable modules (it will be needed in patch 3)
Patch 2 is a qt4 dialog to pass data to a sd, but it's not the best in
design terms... j-b offered to pimp it up, if the offer is still up...
Patch 3 it's the actual work on lua sd, it's the backend part and 2 scripts...

I noticed there's a typo in the patch name, I'll probably end up
resubmitting them anyway, so I'll leave it for now :P

Let me know if there's anything wrong...

Best regards,
Fabio Ritrovato
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