[vlc-devel] The VLC has memory callback function?

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Sat Jul 25 19:03:16 CEST 2009

Le mercredi 15 juillet 2009 05:56:50 l g, vous avez écrit :
> Hi all,
> I have run vlc to paly an rtsp from network for a long time(12 hours). And
> I find the memoy that vlc cost increased continuously. but when it come to
> more than 200M, sometime it will godown at 20-30M. I thought vlc has a
> memory callback function. Am I right?
> So, any one can tell me the answer is right and where is the source code of
> memory callback?

VLC does not support an overridden heap allocator, if that's what you mean. 
You can still do it directly with the C runtime, depending on the platform.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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