[vlc-devel] Future of VLC 0.9.x

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne.videolan at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 30 20:43:32 CEST 2009

Am 30.07.2009 um 20:17 schrieb Jean-Baptiste Kempf:

> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 09:10:38PM +0300, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote :
>> As regards the 0.9-bugfix branch, I reckon 0.9.10 is the last  
>> version for OS
>> X, and 0.9.9a was the last Windows version. As for dowsntream  
>> packagers, I
> 0.9.9 was the last one for Windows.
Exactly. It seems like gentoo included the release too, but that's  
pretty much it.

>> Hence, I would propose we officially declare the 0.9-bugfix branch  
>> dead, and
>> stop bothering with back-back-ports. Opinions?
> Agreed. I will not make any package for Windows on the 0.9-bugfix  
> unless
> paid to do it.
Same here. There are no obvious bugs left on the Mac OS X port, so  
there is no need to push another release as adding new features  
doesn't make too much sense for soo few users. Let's focus on VLC 1.1.

Best regards,


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