[vlc-devel] libvlc access to each frame..

buhochileno at gmail.com buhochileno at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 13:00:31 CET 2009


I'm working with libvlc (from a C# wrapper, witch is by the way a 
excelent job, I can even do streaming from 1 c# app to another, etc..) 
and I need to acces to each frame to do some image analisys, I'm 
currently doing that with ffmpeg (also with a c# wrapper) but is to 
dificult to do things directly with ffmpeg. I need to know if there is a 
way to take the current frame of the current play and even modifie the 
content of the frame previous to the display (to see the analisys on the 
screen..), something like the frame pointer?..



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