[vlc-devel] commit: l10n: New languages in Nsis (Christophe Mutricy )
git version control
git at videolan.org
Fri Mar 27 02:02:33 CET 2009
vlc | branch: master | Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org> | Tue Sep 23 22:42:40 2008 +0100| [d915388899f16b53e9fe828e61ff2552d4acd6c1] | committer: Christophe Mutricy
l10n: New languages in Nsis
Translations by Cristian SecarÄ, Vincenzo Reale and Gabor Kelemen.
I can't seems to be able to test Romanian and Hungarian under wine, so please test on win.
Signed-off-by: Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=d915388899f16b53e9fe828e61ff2552d4acd6c1
extras/package/win32/languages/hungarian.nsh | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
extras/package/win32/languages/italian.nsh | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
extras/package/win32/languages/romanian.nsh | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi.in | 31 ++++++++++++++-
4 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/extras/package/win32/languages/hungarian.nsh b/extras/package/win32/languages/hungarian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e70a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/package/win32/languages/hungarian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Médialejátszó (szükséges)"
+StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Start menü ikon"
+StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Asztali ikon"
+StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla bõvítmény"
+StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX bõvítmény"
+StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Lemezek lejátszása"
+StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Fájltípus-társítások"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Hangfájlok"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Videofájlok"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Egyéb"
+StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Helyi menük"
+StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Beállítások és gyorsítótár törlése"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
+ "Maga a médialejátszó"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
+ "Ikonokat tesz a Start menübe az egyszerû eléréshez"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
+ "Ikonokat tesz az Asztalra az egyszerû eléréshez"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
+ "A VLC Mozilla és Mozilla Firefox bõvítmény"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
+ "A VLC ActiveX bõvítmény"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
+ "DVD és CD lejátszásának bejegyzése"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
+ "Beállítja a VLC médialejátszót a megadott fájltípus alapértelmezett alkalmazásaként"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
+ "Bejegyzések a helyi menübe (Lejátszás a VLC médialejátszóval és Hozzáadás a VLC lejátszólistájához)"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
+ "Törli a VLC médialejátszó elõzõ telepítésbõl maradt beállításait és gyorsítótár-fájljait"
+StrCpy $Message_AlreadyInstalled \
+"A VLC médialejátszó már telepítve van. $\nEl kívánja távolítani az \
+elõzõ verziót a $(^Name) telepítése elõtt?"
+StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Eltávolítás"
+StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Beállítások és gyorsítótár törlése"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
+"A VLC médialejátszó és minden összetevõjének eltávolítása"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
+"Törli a VLC médialejátszó beállításait és gyorsítótár-fájljait"
+StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Lejátszás"
+StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Lejátszás a VLC médialejátszóval"
+StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Hozzáadás a VLC lejátszólistájához"
+StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "A VideoLAN VLC médialejátszó weboldalának felkeresése"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Javasolt"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimális"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Teljes"
+StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "DVD film lejátszása"
+StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Hang CD lejátszása"
diff --git a/extras/package/win32/languages/italian.nsh b/extras/package/win32/languages/italian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..812de87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/package/win32/languages/italian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Lettore multimediale (richiesto)"
+StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Collegamento menu Start"
+StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Collegamento Desktop"
+StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Plugin Mozilla"
+StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plugin ActiveX"
+StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Riproduzione dischi"
+StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Associazione tipi di file"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "File audio"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "File video"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Altro"
+StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menu contestuali"
+StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Elimina preferenze e cache"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
+ "Il lettore multimediale stesso"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
+ "Aggiunge icone al menu di avvio per un accesso facilitato"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
+ "Aggiunge un'icona al desktop per un accesso facilitato"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
+ "Il plugin per Mozilla e Mozilla Firefox di VLC "
+StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
+ "Il plugin ActiveX di VLC"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
+ "Registrazione in riproduzione di DVD e CD"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
+ "Imposta il lettore multimediale VLC come applicazione predefinita per i tipi di file specificati"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
+ "Aggiungi elementi al menu contestuale ('Riproduci con VLC' e 'Aggiungi alla playlist di VLC')"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
+ "Elimina le preferenze del lettore multimediale VLC e i file in cache lasciati da precedenti installazioni"
+StrCpy $Message_AlreadyInstalled \
+"Il lettore mulitmediale VLCm è già installato. $\nVuoi rimuovere \
+la versione precedente prima dell'installazione di $(^Name) ?"
+StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Disinstalla"
+StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Elimina preferenze e cache"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
+"Disinstalla il lettore multimediale VLC e tutti i suoi componenti"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
+"Elimina le preferenze e file in cache del lettore multimediale VLC"
+StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Riproduci"
+StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Riproduci con VLC"
+StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Aggiungi alla playlist di VLC"
+StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visita il sito web VideoLAN del lettore multimediale VLC"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Consigliata"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimale"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
+StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Riproduci film in DVD"
+StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Riproduci CD audio"
diff --git a/extras/package/win32/languages/romanian.nsh b/extras/package/win32/languages/romanian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a618841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/package/win32/languages/romanian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Player-ul media (necesar)"
+StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Scurtãturã în meniul Start"
+StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Scurtãturã pe Desktop"
+StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Plugin Mozilla"
+StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plugin ActiveX"
+StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Redare de discuri"
+StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Asocieri cu tipuri de fiºier"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Fiºiere audio"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Fiºiere video"
+StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Altele"
+StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Meniuri contextuale"
+StrCpy $Name_Section08 "ªtergere preferinþe ºi cache"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
+ "Player-ul media însuºi"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
+ "Adaugã pictograme la meniul de start pentru acces facil"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
+ "Adaugã o pictogramã pe desktop pentru acces facil"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
+ "Pluginul VLC Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
+ "Pluginul VLC ActiveX"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
+ "Înegistrare în sistem cu redarea de DVD ºi CD"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
+ "Stabileºte VLC media player ca aplicaþie implicitã pentru tipurile de fiºier specificate"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
+ "Adaugã elemente de meniu contextual (Redã cu VLC ºi Adaugã la lista de redare VLC)"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
+ "ªterge preferinþele ºi cache-ul VLC media player rãmase de la instalãri precedente"
+StrCpy $Message_AlreadyInstalled \
+"VLC media player a fost deja instalat. $\nVreþi sã eliminaþi \
+versiunea precedentã înainte de a instala $(^Name) ?"
+StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Dezinstalare"
+StrCpy $Name_Section92 "ªtergere preferinþe ºi cache"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
+"Dezinstaleazã VLC media player ºi toate componentele lui"
+StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
+"ªterge preferinþele ºi cache-ul VLC media player"
+StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Redã"
+StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Redã cu VLC media player"
+StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Adaugã la lista de redare VLC media player"
+StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Vizitaþi saitul web VideoLAN VLC media player"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomandat"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minim"
+StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Complet"
+StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Redã filmul DVD"
+StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Redã CD-ul audio"
diff --git a/extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi.in b/extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi.in
index 1d637a8..3f68820 100644
--- a/extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi.in
+++ b/extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi.in
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ InstType $Name_InstTypeFull
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Romanian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Czech"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hungarian"
; Reserve files for solid compression
@@ -633,10 +634,22 @@ Function .onInit
!include "languages\english.nsh"
+ StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_ITALIAN} Italian 0
+ StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_HUNGARIAN} Hungarian 0
+ StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_ROMANIAN} Romanian 0
StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_FINNISH} Finnish EndLanguageCmp
!include "languages\french.nsh"
Goto EndLanguageCmp
+ Italian:
+ !include "languages\italian.nsh"
+ Goto EndLanguageCmp
+ Hungarian:
+ !include "languages\hungarian.nsh"
+ Goto EndLanguageCmp
+ Romanian:
+ !include "languages\romanian.nsh"
+ Goto EndLanguageCmp
!include "languages\finnish.nsh"
@@ -840,9 +853,25 @@ Function un.onInit
!include "languages\english.nsh"
- StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_FRENCH} French EndLanguageCmp
+ StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_FRENCH} French 0
+ StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_ITALIAN} Italian 0
+ StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_HUNGARIAN} Hungarian 0
+ StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_ROMANIAN} Romanian 0
+ StrCmp $LANGUAGE ${LANG_FINNISH} Finnish EndLanguageCmp
!include "languages\french.nsh"
+ Goto EndLanguageCmp
+ Italian:
+ !include "languages\italian.nsh"
+ Goto EndLanguageCmp
+ Hungarian:
+ !include "languages\hungarian.nsh"
+ Goto EndLanguageCmp
+ Romanian:
+ !include "languages\romanian.nsh"
+ Goto EndLanguageCmp
+ Finnish:
+ !include "languages\finnish.nsh"
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