[vlc-devel] Patch: Fix pulseaudio clicking and latency issues

Danny Wood danwood76 at gmail.com
Tue May 5 17:33:14 CEST 2009

Several issues have arisen with the latest version of pulseaudio which 
are solved by this patch.

This patch enables pulseaudio to determine latency based on vlc buffers 
aswell as hardware buffers.
By doing this there are a lot less under runs and lower overall latency 
(latency is halved).

I have also modified the buffer sizes to allow pulse and vlc to run a 
bit smoother, the old values were a bit conservative which causes more 
buffer issues with pulse.

This patch removes audio stutters on my system and makes pulse able to 
mix VLC with other sources without audio breakups.

It requires at least pulseaudio 0.9.11 so modification to the configure 
files may be required.

kind regards,
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