[vlc-devel] commit: Use pkg-config to detect libraw1394 and libavc1394 ( Jean-Paul Saman )

git version control git at videolan.org
Tue May 12 13:37:44 CEST 2009

vlc | branch: master | Jean-Paul Saman <jean-paul.saman at m2x.nl> | Mon Apr 27 12:40:50 2009 +0200| [9f0d65737e7d810205b25cbb40f0eac4c758b951] | committer: Jean-Paul Saman 

Use pkg-config to detect libraw1394 and libavc1394

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=9f0d65737e7d810205b25cbb40f0eac4c758b951

 configure.ac |  127 ++++++++-------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 17c1f63..1ec11f8 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -2055,120 +2055,29 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(dv,
 [  --enable-dv             dv input module (default disabled)])
 if test "${enable_dv}" = "yes"
-  AC_ARG_WITH(dv-raw1394,
-  [    --with-dv-raw1394=PATH   libraw1394 headers and libraries])
-  AC_ARG_WITH(dv-raw1394-tree,
-  [    --with-dv-raw1394=PATH   libraw1394 tree for static linking])
-  if test -z "${with_dv_raw1394}" -a "${with_dv_raw1394}" != ""
-  then
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING(for raw1394 headers in ${with_dv_raw1394})
-    if test -f ${with_dv_raw1394}/include/libraw1394/raw1394.h
-    then
-      dnl  Use ${with_dv_raw1394}/include/libraw1394/raw1394.h
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
-      VLC_ADD_PLUGIN([access_dv])
-      VLC_ADD_LIBS([access_dv],[-L${with_dv_raw1394}/lib -lraw1394 -lpthread])
-      VLC_ADD_CPPFLAGS([access_dv],[-I${with_dv_raw1394}/include])
-    else
-      dnl  No libraw1394 could be found, sorry
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find ${with_dv_raw1394}/include/libraw1394/raw1394.h])
-    fi
-  else
-    AC_CHECK_HEADERS(libraw1394/raw1394.h,
-    [ VLC_ADD_PLUGIN([access_dv])
-        VLC_ADD_LIBS([access_dv],[-lraw1394 -lavc1394])
-    ],[
-        if test -n "${enable_dv}"
-        then
-          AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find libraw1394 headers])
-        fi
-    ])
-  fi
-  dnl Check for static linking of libraw1394
-  if test -z "${with_dv_raw1394_tree}" -a "${with_dv_raw1394_tree}" != ""
-  then
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libraw1394.a in ${with_dv_raw1394_tree})
-    real_dv_raw1394_tree="`cd ${with_dv_raw1394_tree} 2>/dev/null && pwd`"
-    if test -z "${real_dv_raw1394_tree}"
-    then
-      dnl  The given directory can't be found
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot cd to ${real_dv_raw1394_tree}])
-    fi
-    if test -f "${real_dv_raw1394_tree}/src/.libs/libraw1394.a"
-    then
-      dnl  Use a custom libraw1394
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(${real_dv_raw1394_tree}/src/.libs/libraw1394.a)
+  dnl
+  dnl Check for libraw1394
+  dnl
+  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBRAW1394, libraw1394 >= 2.0.1,
+    [
-      VLC_ADD_LIBS([access_dv],[-L${real_dv_raw1394_tree}/src/.libs -lraw1394])
-      VLC_ADD_CPPFLAGS([access_dv],[-I${real_dv_raw1394_tree}])
-    else
-      dnl  The given libraw1394 wasn't built
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find ${real_dv_raw1394_tree}/src/.libs/libraw1394.a, make sure you compiled libraw1394 in ${with_dv_raw1394_tree}])
-    fi
-  fi
+      VLC_ADD_LIBS([access_dv],[`${PKG_CONFIG} --libs libraw1394`])
+      VLC_ADD_CPPFLAGS([access_dv],[`${PKG_CONFIG} --cflags libraw1394`])
+    ],
+    [AC_MSG_ERROR([Couldn't find libraw1394 >= 2.0.1, install libraw1394 development package ?])]
+  )
   dnl Check for libavc1394
-  AC_ARG_WITH(dv-avc1394,
-  [    --with-dv-avc1394=PATH   libavc1394 headers and libraries])
-  AC_ARG_WITH(dv-avc1394-tree,
-  [    --with-dv-avc1394=PATH   libavc1394 tree for static linking])
-  if test -z "${with_dv_avc1394}" -a "${with_dv_avc1394}" != ""
-  then
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING(for avc1394 headers in ${with_dv_avc1394})
-    if test -f ${with_dv_avc1394}/include/libavc1394/avc1394.h
-    then
-      dnl  Use ${with_dv_avc1394}/include/libavc1394/avc1394.h
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
-      VLC_ADD_LIBS([access_dv],[-L${with_dv_avc1394}/lib -lavc1394 -lrom1394 -lpthread])
-      VLC_ADD_CPPFLAGS([access_dv],[-I${with_avc1394}/include])
-    else
-      dnl  No libavc1394 could be found, sorry
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find ${with_dv_avc1394}/include/libavc1394/avc1394.h])
-    fi
-  else
-    AC_CHECK_HEADERS(libavc1394/avc1394.h,
-    [ VLC_ADD_LIBS([access_dv],[-lavc1394 -lrom1394 -lpthread])
-    ],[
-        if test -n "${enable_dv}"
-        then
-          AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find libavc1394 headers])
-        fi
-    ])
-  fi
-  dnl Check for static linking of libavc1394
-  if test -z "${with_dv_avc1394_tree}" -a "${with_dv_avc1394_tree}" != ""
-  then
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libavc1394.a in ${with_dv_avc1394_tree})
-    real_dv_avc1394_tree="`cd ${with_dv_avc1394_tree} 2>/dev/null && pwd`"
-    if test -z "${real_dv_avc1394_tree}"
-    then
-      dnl  The given directory can't be found
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot cd to ${real_dv_avc1394_tree}])
-    fi
-    if test -f "${real_dv_avc1394_tree}/src/.libs/libavc1394.a"
-    then
-      dnl  Use a custom libavc1394
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(${real_dv_avc1394_tree}/src/.libs/libavc1394.a)
-      VLC_ADD_LIBS([access_dv],[-L${real_dv_avc1394_tree}/src/.libs -lavc1394 -lrom1394 -lpthread])
-      VLC_ADD_CPPFLAGS([access_dv],[-I${real_dv_avc1394_tree}])
-    else
-      dnl  The given libavc1394 wasn't built
-      AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find ${real_dv_avc1394_tree}/src/.libs/libavc1394.a, make sure you compiled libavc1394 in ${with_dv_avc1394_tree}])
-    fi
-  fi
+  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBAVC1394, libavc1394 >= 0.5.3,
+    [
+      VLC_ADD_PLUGIN([access_dv])
+      VLC_ADD_LIBS([access_dv],[`${PKG_CONFIG} --libs libavc1394`])
+      VLC_ADD_CPPFLAGS([access_dv],[`${PKG_CONFIG} --cflags libavc1394`])
+    ],
+    [AC_MSG_ERROR([Couldn't find libavc1394 >= 0.5.1, install libavc1394 development package ?])]
+  )

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