[vlc-devel] [PATCH] vobsub idx in mkv track CodecPrivate data

John Stebbins stebbins at jetheaddev.com
Tue May 12 17:02:37 CEST 2009

I'm adding vobsub support to handbrake and was using vlc as one means to 
verify my work.  I noticed that vlc wasn't using the palette contained 
in the mkv track CodecPrivate data.  When I looked deeper into it, I 
discovered it was ignoring the idx data entirely.  Here's a patch to 
modules/demux/avformat/demux.c that checks that the container is 
matroska, and that the subtitle type is vobsub.  Then parses 
AVCodecContext.extradata (where avformat stashes matroska track 

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Name: Vobsub-palette-mkv.patch
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