[vlc-devel] Rethinking the Mac OS X GUI

Dominic Spitaler Dominic.Spitaler at gmx.at
Wed May 27 14:49:44 CEST 2009

Well, we'll have to do a lot of conceptual work, before we can start  
coding (or creating) the UI.
So setting up a Git for us right now would be a little overhasted.

Of course I've seen Dudiaks Interface (though only in his demos I  
haven't been able to try it out myself yet),
I think it's a good point to start but it needs further polishing.
F.e I think having two media list views in VLC, one as a sidebar and  
one as table view a bit strange.

I guess working on this will take longer than this summer, I'm pretty  
busy right now with school,
on vacation three weeks in july and have an internship in August, so I  
won't be able to work on this 24/7.

I promise to look at the other user interface SoC projects, to make  
sure we don't interfere with each other,
or forget to add a good idea coming from another project.
It would probably be nice if some cross-platform identity exists  
beetween the different GUIs.


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