[vlc-devel] commit: luarc: add frame by frame support. ( Rémi Duraffort )

git version control git at videolan.org
Fri Nov 13 17:59:51 CET 2009

vlc | branch: master | Rémi Duraffort <ivoire at videolan.org> | Thu Nov 12 18:58:58 2009 +0100| [f108a5efb6a09836334f4f581ddd875398df680c] | committer: Rémi Duraffort 

luarc: add frame by frame support.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=f108a5efb6a09836334f4f581ddd875398df680c

 share/lua/intf/rc.lua |    6 ++++++
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/share/lua/intf/rc.lua b/share/lua/intf/rc.lua
index ae18bc0..4b07157 100644
--- a/share/lua/intf/rc.lua
+++ b/share/lua/intf/rc.lua
@@ -384,6 +384,10 @@ function rate(name,client)
+function frame(name,client)
+    vlc.var.trigger_callback(vlc.object.input(),"frame-next");
 function listvalue(obj,var)
     return function(client,value)
         local o = vlc.object.find(nil,obj,"anywhere")
@@ -443,8 +447,10 @@ commands_ordered = {
     { "faster"; { func = rate; help = "faster playing of stream" } };
     { "slower"; { func = rate; help = "slower playing of stream" } };
     { "normal"; { func = rate; help = "normal playing of stream" } };
+    { "frame"; { func = frame; help = "play frame by frame" } };
     { "fullscreen"; { func = skip2(vlc.video.fullscreen); args = "[on|off]"; help = "toggle fullscreen"; aliases = { "f", "F" } } };
     { "info"; { func = input_info; help = "information about the current stream" } };
+    { "states"; { func = fixme; help = "show statistical information" } };
     { "get_time"; { func = get_time("time"); help = "seconds elapsed since stream's beginning" } };
     { "is_playing"; { func = is_playing; help = "1 if a stream plays, 0 otherwise" } };
     { "get_title"; { func = ret_print(vlc.input.get_title); help = "the title of the current stream" } };

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