[vlc-devel] commit: xcb hotkeys: Cherry pick [25cd592] ( Rafaël Carré )

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Mon Nov 16 22:09:53 CET 2009

Le lundi 16 novembre 2009 22:59:34 Rafaël Carré, vous avez écrit :
> Le 16/11/09 21:58, Rémi Denis-Courmont a écrit :
> > Le lundi 16 novembre 2009 22:48:01 git version control, vous avez écrit :
> >> vlc | branch: 1.0-bugfix | Rafaël Carré <rafael.carre at gmail.com> | Mon
> >> Nov 16 18:28:59 2009 +0100| [a3ed7240100c5d897c05f37ad25ec23d54f33439] |
> >> committer: Rafaël Carré
> >>
> >> xcb hotkeys: Cherry pick [25cd592]
> >
> > Why is that backported anyway?
> You mean
>  why isn't the full commit backported ?
>  or why is it backported for xcb.c (only) ?

I mean why is it backported at all? What does this achieve other than breaking 
support for the space key in the plugin?

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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