[vlc-devel] mac build

Mike Schrag mschrag at pobox.com
Fri Oct 9 19:56:39 CEST 2009

>>>> If I build VLC on my macbook pro and attempt to use that build on  
>>>> my Mac
>>>> Mini, I get startup errors on the console about not being able to  
>>>> load the
>>>> various playback modules. I assume this is the result of hardware  
>>>> setting
>>>> and optimizations that my MBP is configured/built with.  This  
>>>> obviously is
>>>> not a problem with the production VLC.app distribution. Does  
>>>> anyone happen
>>>> to know the exact ./configure options that are used to build  
>>>> VLC.app on OS
>>>> X?
>>> You should run "make VLC-release.app" to get a redistributable VLC- 
>>> release.app.
>> Hi Pierre -- Yeah, that works fine for me, but the resulting build  
>> doesn't actually play video everywhere (if i build on my MBP it  
>> plays on my MBP but not on a Mini or an Air. If I build on the  
>> Mini, it plays on the Mini and my MBP, but not the Air). This leads  
>> me to believe it's a matter of getting the right options passed  
>> into ./configure. Do you happen to know what parameters are used  
>> to ./configure the official VLC.app build?
> Weird... VLC -vvv should give you more explanations. What are  
> actually the errors?
> VLC should be built on the mac with just ./configure --enable-debug.
Thanks -- IRC suggested -vvv as well, which was very enlightening.  It  
turns out that my build was linking incorrectly (ffmpeg is statically  
linking to one in /usr/local/lib, among a couple other related  
issues), and I just need to tweak some build settings to get it to Do  
The Right Thing (TM).  Thanks a lot for your help.


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