[vlc-devel] [GCI] libvlc: An API for listing audio & video?filters

Jakub Wieczorek fawek at fawek.net
Sun Dec 5 00:36:45 CET 2010

2010/12/5 Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>:
> On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 12:38:36AM +0200, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote :
>> And most filters depend on parameters that cannot be expressed in a generic way
> This is true for some of them, but not all of them:
> gradfun, grain, zoom, puzzle, gradient, invert, noise, motion,
> psychedelic, wave, posterize, sepia, to name a few are pretty usefull,
> even with the default parameters.
> Most (all) Audio filters, are useless without params adjustement now.

That is another issue I stumbled upon when writing the webcam example.
Some of the video filters do not have any effect on the stream unless
you adjust the parameters. That means, that even if I had a list of
video filters that the user can choose from, most of them wouldn't
make sense anyway unless I explicitly parameterized them in the code -
which kind of misses the goal of not having to know the possibly
available plugins. I don't think it's solvable anyway without exposing
even more internals to the embedder.

> SD, visualisation would gain to be listed too.
> access, access_demux, demux, art finder, decoder, inhibit, extension,
> main, memcpy, meta *, osd parser, packetizer, sql, stream filter, sub
> filter, text renderers, video blending, vod server, xml, xml reader
> I fail to see the use cases.
> Olivier, ivoire, Jakub, *: any idea of such use cases?

Hm, I can't think of any, to be honest. You're probably right, that
exposing some of those does not make much sense.

Best regards,

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