[vlc-devel] Release of AribaMC: Overlay-based video streaming plugin for VLC

Christoph Mayer mayer at kit.edu
Fri Dec 10 20:30:59 CET 2010

Dear VLC Developers,

we are proud to release our VLC streaming module with data transport 
based on Ariba and MCPO libraries. Ariba is an overlay-based virtual 
network substrate that provides connectivity in face of protocol 
heterogeneity (IPv4, IPv6, RFCOMM), NAT, device mobility, network 
dynamics, ...). MCPO is an application layer multicast distribution 
service that builds upon Ariba. Based on these two libraries of Ariba 
and MCPO we have developed the 'AribaMC' plugin for VLC (AribaMC stands 
for Ariba-based Multicast). The AribaMC plugin provides overlay-based 
video streaming for VLC with all features that Ariba provides.

You can get it here: http://www.ariba-underlay.org/wiki/Documentation/VLC

The AribaMC plugin provides added-value for VLC:
-streaming in scenarios with heterogeneous network protocols
-streaming in face of device mobiliy, and multihoming
-streaming in face of NATs
-automatic bootstrapping modules for LANs

We are very interested to bring the plugin into VLC, maybe on an 
experimental basis and especially to hear your opinion and whether VLC 
is interested in such streaming functionality.

Currently, the plugin as well as Ariba are not production ready, but we 
have done our best to provide a great working version, limitations and 
problems are listed on the website.

--> You can find the plugin, SVN access, source code, precompiled 
binaries here, and a lot of help and tutorials here:

--> A lot more information about Ariba and MCPO can be found here:

--> Information about the SpoVNet project where the Ariba library was 
developed in can be found here:

We would be happy to hear your opinions, feedback, and requirements that 
you state on such a streaming plugin and hope that you find it useful! 
Our goal is to develop Ariba and the AribaMC plugin further so that it 
provides added-value for VLC.

Best regards,
Dipl.-Inform. Christoph P. Mayer
Institute of Telematics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Phone: +49 721 608 6415, Email: mayer at kit.edu
Web: http://www.tm.kit.edu/~mayer

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