[vlc-devel] Belarussian translation

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Thu Feb 4 00:13:07 CET 2010


On Wed, Feb 03, 10 at 22:55 +0300, Сергей Дарьичев wrote:
> Good evening!My name is Siarhei.I want to try to translate VLC into my  
> native Belarussian language.Could you send me .po file and a short  
> insruction about how to make a translation in the most easy way.Thank  

You can find the file there:                                                    
You can use poEdit or loKalize  to translate.                                   
Make sure that you use UTF-8 as encoding.                                       
If you have question you can ask them on irc #videolan on                       
irc.freenode.net or on the mailing-list vlc-devel at videolan.org                  
When you have done a part of it you can send it to me or put it online          
and send us the link.

There is a mailing list specific to translation problems:
translators at videolan.org.  You can join it at



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