[vlc-devel] interested in contributing to the project

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne.videolan at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 26 12:51:33 CET 2010

On 26.02.2010, at 05:38, Hamza Tayeb wrote:

> Hello,
> I saw the announcement that more OSX developers are needed.  I'm an
> adept C programmer on a Mac.  Also I have some experience with Cocoa.
> What would be a good place to start?

It's probably best to have a look at Lunettes, which will replace the existing VLC for the Mac. A description how to compile, a bug tracker and a few screenshots are currently hosted at <http://github.com/pdherbemont/Glasses/>.

To contribute, it's probably the easiest way to just fork Lunettes on github and start coding. We will merge your contributions. For changes within the legacy OS X code or the underlying current VLCKit framework, please send patches to this mailing list. In case of any questions, mail this list or ping pdherbemont or feepk (that's me) on IRC: #videolan (freenode network).

Best regards,


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