[vlc-devel] directory is ok, but it is improper to specify a filename where records will be stored

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Sat Jan 9 00:07:04 CET 2010

Cristian Secară a écrit :
> In Tools -> Preferences -> Input & Codecs, on Disc devices category, I
> can specify "Record directory or filename", with the tooltip "Directory
> or filename where the records will be stored".
> The directory where blah, blah, is ok.
> But, strictly speaking, I find improper to specify a filename *where* a
> record will be stored. More than that, at least on Windows, the dialog
> type than can be opened there is only able to define a directory, NOT a
> file.
> Shouldn't be the "filename" word be removed from those strings ?

The same strings are used for the command-line where whatever the user
want can be specified.

However, I'm not sure if the "record" module still support both
directories and filename. any record specialist ?


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