[vlc-devel] [Patch] Extensions and Lua dialogs

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Sat Jan 23 16:32:57 CET 2010

Le jeudi 21 janvier 2010 23:53:14 Jean-Philippe André, vous avez écrit :
> Hello,
> I want to let you know that I have updated my patches for the Extensions
>  and Lua dialogs. As I don't necessarily want to spam the mailing list once
>  again, those of you who are interested can find them at the following URL:
> http://jpeg.dinauz.org/VideoLAN/patches/extensions/
> The scripts provided there are only examples, I don't want to push those in
> the official Git right now.

+    /* After dialog_ExtensionUpdate, the UI thread must take the lock asap 
+     * then signal us when it's done deleting the dialog.
+     * Note: Wait up to 2s.
+     */
+    mtime_t abstime = mdate() + 2000000;

What if the UI is struggling with a slow remote X11 display? What if you are 
running in gdb and you've been STOPped for a while?

+    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_dlg->lock );
+    if( p_dlg->p_sys_intf != NULL )

Should probably be 'while'.

+        vlc_cond_timedwait( &p_dlg->cond, &p_dlg->lock, abstime );
+    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_dlg->lock );
+    if( p_dlg->p_sys_intf != NULL )
+    {
+        /* 2s after ExtUpdate, the dialog is still open. In order to avoid
+         * unnecessary crashes, we leak the dialog.
+         * This case should not happen (and does not in normal conditions).
+         */
+        msg_Warn( p_mgr, "Could not delete the dialog properly in 2s. "
+                  "Leaking its descriptor." );
+        p_dlg->p_sys_intf = NULL;
+        return 1;
+    }

Pleeease. No. That won't save you from crashing anyway, because the UI plugin 
may be unloaded.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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