[vlc-devel] [RFC] dbus plugin removal

Mirsal Ennaime mirsal.ennaime at gmail.com
Sun Jul 18 21:51:27 CEST 2010


2010/7/18 Rémi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net>:
> The libdbus control plugin is still waking up the CPU two times per seconds.

I didn't realize this until I read your e-mail.
I am willing to fix this issue and I just started working on a patch,
which I will submit as soon as it works.

> To make matters worse, it implements an interface (MPRIS) that
> is widely accepted as broken by design.

Indeed, however a new version of the spec which addresses the known
design issues is being worked on and almost finished. (It already
underwent several rounds of review and correction and it is rather
close to being released. The current draft spec is here:

> On top of that, libdbus is not quite thread-safe.

I thought the thread safety issues had been fixed. I need to dig a bit
more to find out about this. Do you have any pointers ?


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