[vlc-devel] [PATCH] gui/macosx: create a preferences file when first run.

Rob rob at hobbyistsoftware.com
Sun Jun 20 12:51:08 CEST 2010

Hi Folks,

any chance of getting this patch approved before the release?

current versions of VLC all create a preference file when first run on  
Mac. The rc currently does not.
This is a pain for my app which does a user-friendly setup of VLC so that  
it exposes the http interface (also adjusts the .hosts file, etc). (users  
use this to set up VLC for use with VLC remote)

If the patch isn't approved, then I'll need to release a new helper app  
which has a default copy of preferences and creates them if necessary  
before modifying them.

Not a huge job - but creates an unpleasant duplication of default prefs in  
my third party tool.



On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 23:52:39 +0100, Dilaroga Dev <dilaroga at gmail.com>  

> On Jun 16, 2010, at 6:41 PM, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 01:19:12PM +0200, Dilaroga dev wrote :
>>> In attachment a patch that creates a preferences file at launch time  
>>> when
>>> the vlcrc file doesn't exist yet.
>>> This patch closes #3684.
>> Is this really the right place to do it?
> gui/qt4 does it in FirstRun::save(). gui/macosx hasn't firstrun  
> detection implemented that's why i check if the config file exists.
>> Souldn't this be fixed in the core?
> I don't know if all interfaces need to create a default configuration  
> file at the first launch if the file doesn't yet exist.
>> What happens if you start vlc with -Irc the first time?
> The config file is not created.
> --
> Sebastien Zwickert
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