[vlc-devel] Dynamic range compressor patch

Laurent Aimar fenrir at elivagar.org
Sat Jun 26 21:51:58 CEST 2010

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 03:39:30PM -0500, Ron Wright wrote:
> Hello,
> I have made many drastic changes in the compressor.c file and some minor
> changes in the UI code.  Here are some of the changes:
> 1. Added VLC copyright and $id$ tag to the banner.
> 2. Made the filter structure, RMS envelope structure, and attack lookup table
> contiguous in memory so that only one memory allocation and one memory
> deallocation is needed.
> 3. Reorganized the functions so that they don't appear out of place.
> 4. Removed two wasteful members (amplitude and gain reduction) from the filter
> structure (this is probably used to implement output meters in certain LADSPA
> frontends).
> 5. The release of the mutex lock in the DoWork function now occurs immediately
> after retrieving the shared values.
> 6. Replaced the logic in the callback functions with clipping functions.
> 7. Removed useless casts.
> 8. Changed default values.
> Here are some notes to take into consideration:
> 1. The f_max and f_clamp functions work as expected.  Proof:
> f_max (with arguments x and a):
> If x < a, then 0.5 * ((x - a) + fabs(x - a)) + a = 0.5 * ((x - a) - (x - a)) +
> a = a
> If x >= a, then 0.5 * ((x - a) + fabs(x - a)) + a = 0.5 * ((x - a) + (x - a)) +
> a = 0.5*2*(x - a) + a = x
> f_clamp (with arguments x, a, and b):
> If x < a, then 0.5 * (fabs(x - a) + a + b - fabs(x - b)) = 0.5 * (-(x - a) + a
> + b + (x - b)) = 0.5 * (2*a - x + b + x - b) = a
> If a <= x < b, then 0.5 * (fabs(x - a) + a + b - fabs(x - b)) = 0.5 * ((x - a)
> + a + b + (x - b)) = 0.5 * (x + b + x - b) = x
> If x >= b, then 0.5 * (fabs(x - a) + a + b - fabs(x - b)) = 0.5 * ((x - a) + a
> + b - (x - b)) = 0.5 * (x + b - x + b) = b
> These are branchless clipping functions from Laurent de Soras.
> 2. A buffer overflow will not occur when either attack or release converted to
> seconds is multiplied by (A_TBL - 1), with the resulting value used as an index
> to retrieve the attack (or release) value from the lookup table.  The maximum
> of the maximum values of attack and release is 800, and A_TBL is 256, so 800 *
> 0.001 * 255 = 204.  This means that the index will neither go beyond 255 nor
> even reach 255.  The minimum of the minimum values of attack and release is
> 1.5.  However, the real minimum value used in the code is 2.  Nevertheless,
> there will also be no buffer underflow, since this value is positive.

> diff --git a/modules/audio_filter/Modules.am b/modules/audio_filter/Modules.am
> index eae73fc..7767cbe 100644
> --- a/modules/audio_filter/Modules.am
> +++ b/modules/audio_filter/Modules.am
> @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
>  SUBDIRS = channel_mixer converter resampler spatializer
>  SOURCES_equalizer = equalizer.c equalizer_presets.h
> +SOURCES_compressor = compressor.c
>  SOURCES_normvol = normvol.c
>  SOURCES_audiobargraph_a = audiobargraph_a.c
>  SOURCES_param_eq = param_eq.c
> @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ SOURCES_chorus_flanger = chorus_flanger.c
>  libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += \
>  	libaudiobargraph_a_plugin.la \
>  	libchorus_flanger_plugin.la \
> +	libcompressor_plugin.la \
>  	libequalizer_plugin.la \
>  	libnormvol_plugin.la \
>  	libparam_eq_plugin.la \
 I am not sure, but seeing that you use mathematics functions, I think you also
need to modify configure.ac to link with -lm. 

> diff --git a/modules/audio_filter/compressor.c b/modules/audio_filter/compressor.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..daa260a
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/modules/audio_filter/compressor.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
> +/*****************************************************************************
> + * compressor.c: dynamic range compressor, ported from SC4 plugin
> + *****************************************************************************
> + * Copyright (C) 2010 the VideoLAN team
 Please use your name instead of 'the VideoLAN team' (as the code is ported, dunno
if the original copyright shouldn't be used too).

> +#define A_TBL (256)
> +
> +#define DB_TABLE_SIZE   (1024)
> +#define DB_MIN          (-60.0f)
> +#define DB_MAX          (24.0f)
> +#define LIN_TABLE_SIZE  (1024)
> +#define LIN_MIN         (0.0000000002f)
> +#define LIN_MAX         (9.0f)
> +#define DB_DEFAULT_CUBE
> +#define RMS_BUF_SIZE    (64)
> +
> +#define LIN_INTERP(f,a,b) ((a) + (f) * ( (b) - (a) ))
> +
> +typedef struct
> +{
> +    float        buffer[RMS_BUF_SIZE];
> +    unsigned int pos;
> +    float        sum;
> +
> +} rms_env;
> +
> +struct filter_sys_t
> +{
> +    float rms_peak;
> +    float attack;
> +    float release;
> +    float threshold;
> +    float ratio;
> +    float knee;
> +    float makeup_gain;
> +
> +    float amp;
> +    float *as;
> +    unsigned int count;
> +    float env;
> +    float env_peak;
> +    float env_rms;
> +    float gain;
> +    float gain_thres;
> +    rms_env* rms;
> +    float sum;
> +
> +    float db_data[DB_TABLE_SIZE];
> +    float lin_data[LIN_TABLE_SIZE];
> +
> +    vlc_mutex_t lock;
> +};
 I meant to use directly

rms_env rms;
float   as[A_TBL].

to simplify the allocation.

 Also, if you could move the variables protected by the lock below the
declaration of the lock, it would make it easier to maintain.

> +/*****************************************************************************
> + * Open: initialize interface
> + *****************************************************************************/
> +
> +static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
> +{
> +    filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t*)p_this;
> +    vlc_object_t *p_aout = p_filter->p_parent;
> +    float sample_rate = p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate;
> +    struct filter_sys_t *p_sys;
> +    unsigned int i;
> +
> +    if( p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_format != VLC_CODEC_FL32 ||
> +        p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_format != VLC_CODEC_FL32 )
> +    {
> +        p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_format = VLC_CODEC_FL32;
> +        p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_format = VLC_CODEC_FL32;
> +        msg_Warn( p_filter, "bad input or output format" );
> +        return VLC_EGENERIC;
> +    }
> +    if( !AOUT_FMTS_SIMILAR( &p_filter->fmt_in.audio,
> +                            &p_filter->fmt_out.audio ) )
> +    {
> +        memcpy( &p_filter->fmt_out.audio, &p_filter->fmt_in.audio,
> +                sizeof(audio_sample_format_t) );
p_filter->fmt_out.audio = p_filter->fmt_in.audio;
is simpler.

> +        msg_Warn( p_filter, "input and output formats are not similar" );
> +        return VLC_EGENERIC;
> +    }
> +
> +    p_sys = p_filter->p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof(struct filter_sys_t)
> +                                       + sizeof(rms_env)
> +                                       + A_TBL * sizeof(float) );
> +    if( !p_sys )
> +    {
> +        return VLC_ENOMEM;
> +    }
> +    p_sys->rms = (rms_env*)( p_sys + 1 );
> +    p_sys->as  = (float  *)( p_sys->rms + 1 );
 See remarks above at filter_sys_t.

> +/*****************************************************************************
> + * Close: destroy interface
> + *****************************************************************************/
> +
> +static void Close( vlc_object_t *p_this )
> +{
> +    filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t*)p_this;
> +    vlc_object_t *p_aout = p_filter->p_parent;
> +    struct filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
> +
> +    var_DelCallback( p_aout, "compressor-rms-peak", RMSPeakCallback, p_sys );
> +    var_DelCallback( p_aout, "compressor-attack", AttackCallback, p_sys );
> +    var_DelCallback( p_aout, "compressor-release", ReleaseCallback, p_sys );
> +    var_DelCallback( p_aout, "compressor-threshold", ThresholdCallback, p_sys );
> +    var_DelCallback( p_aout, "compressor-ratio", RatioCallback, p_sys );
> +    var_DelCallback( p_aout, "compressor-knee", KneeCallback, p_sys );
> +    var_DelCallback( p_aout, "compressor-makeup-gain", MakeupGainCallback,
> +                     p_sys );
> +
> +    vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_sys->lock );
> +
> +    free( p_sys );
> +}
> +
> +/*****************************************************************************
> + * DoWork: process samples buffer
> + *****************************************************************************/
> +
> +static block_t * DoWork( filter_t * p_filter, block_t * p_in_buf )
> +{
> +    int i_samples = p_in_buf->i_nb_samples;
> +    int i_channels = aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_filter->fmt_in.audio );
> +    float *p_buf = (float*)p_in_buf->p_buffer;
> +
> +    float rms_peak, attack, release, threshold, ratio, knee, makeup_gain;
> +    float amp, *as, env, env_peak, env_rms, gain, gain_thres, sum;
> +    unsigned int count;
> +    rms_env *rms;
> +
> +    float ga, gr, rs, mug, knee_min, knee_max, ef_a, ef_ai;
> +
> +    int pos, pos_chan;
> +
> +    /* Current configuration */
> +    struct filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
> +
> +    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->lock );
> +
> +    /* RMS/peak (float value) */
> +    rms_peak = p_sys->rms_peak;
> +
> +    /* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
> +    attack = p_sys->attack;
> +
> +    /* Release time (ms) (float value) */
> +    release = p_sys->release;
> +
> +    /* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
> +    threshold = p_sys->threshold;
> +
> +    /* Ratio (n:1) (float value) */
> +    ratio = p_sys->ratio;
> +
> +    /* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
> +    knee = p_sys->knee;
> +
> +    /* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
> +    makeup_gain = p_sys->makeup_gain;
> +
> +    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock );
> +
> +    amp = p_sys->amp;
> +    as = p_sys->as;
> +    count = p_sys->count;
> +    env = p_sys->env;
> +    env_peak = p_sys->env_peak;
> +    env_rms = p_sys->env_rms;
> +    gain = p_sys->gain;
> +    gain_thres = p_sys->gain_thres;
> +    rms = p_sys->rms;
> +    sum = p_sys->sum;
> +
> +    ga = attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f
> +                       : as[f_round( attack * 0.001f * ( A_TBL - 1 ) )];
> +    gr = as[f_round( release * 0.001f * ( A_TBL - 1 ) )];
> +    rs = ( ratio - 1.0f ) / ratio;
> +    mug = db2lin( makeup_gain, p_sys );
> +    knee_min = db2lin( threshold - knee, p_sys );
> +    knee_max = db2lin( threshold + knee, p_sys );
> +    ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
> +    ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;
> +    for( pos = 0; pos < i_samples; pos++ )
 If you want, you can also declare a variable inside code (we accept c99) or in for()



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