[vlc-devel] First draft for a Daisy (2.02) playlist support in VLC

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Thu Mar 18 11:51:08 CET 2010

Hello Mathieu,

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 10:25:43AM +0100, Mathieu SCHROETER wrote :
> I'm working on a library and a VLC module in order to handle
> the Daisy 2.02 specification "playlist" (maybe other in the future)
> and to have the ability to read these files with VLC.

> In a few words, the Daisy specification is useful for the audio books.
> A book is separated by "chapter" and by paragraph. A chapter is
> an audio file (MP3, WAV, ..). And a paragraph is a part in this file
> (start-time to stop-time). The idea is to seek from a paragraph to
> the next, or from a chapter to the next.

You want the same chapters as the one appear when playing .mka files
with chapters?

> +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(duck.h, [ have_libduck=yes ], [ have_libduck=no ])
> +AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBDUCK, [ test "${have_libduck}" = "yes" ])
> +if test "${have_libduck}" = "yes"
> +then
> +  PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBDUCK], [libduck] , [ have_libduck=yes ], )
> +    VLC_ADD_CFLAGS([playlist],[$LIBDUCK_CFLAGS])
> +    VLC_ADD_LIBS([playlist],[$LIBDUCK_LIBS])
> +fi
Why not do a

> +    if( demux_IsPathExtension( p_demux, ".html" ) || demux_IsForced( p_demux, "daisy" ) )
> +    {
> +        ;
> +    }
All .html files can be valid daisy files?

> +    unsigned int   i_c;

> +    for( i_c = 1; i_c <= i_chapters; i_c++ )

You can define for counters directly in for( , since VLC is C99

Best Regards,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf

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