[vlc-devel] [PATCH] VLCKit: remove the prefix from the parameter value and take into account null values for options that do not require a value

Dilaroga Dev dilaroga at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 15:37:43 CEST 2010

On Mar 23, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Felix Paul Kühne wrote:

> Hi Sebastien,
> On 23.03.2010, at 01:02, Dilaroga Dev wrote:
>> I've encountered some issues with VLCKit for creating a media object with options cause of the # character that prefixes the value of the parameter. I remove it and options work fine.
>> The patch in attachment fixes this issue and take into account the null value for options that have no value.
> Applied. Thanks!

I've discovered that this change has broken the output chain in a stream session.
The patch in attachement fixes this issue.

In addition, at this time the VLCKit design doesn't offer public way to create a media and to attach to it some specific vlc options (or i missed something...).
Is it possible to have publicly access to the media creation method which is internal :
+ (id)mediaWithMedia:(VLCMedia *)media andLibVLCOptions:(NSDictionary *)options
Or to implement more constructor in VLCMedia that takes into account vlc options ?

Sebastien Zwickert.

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