[vlc-devel] Need help developing text-to-speech-module in VLC - offering £5.000

Andrew Price messiahandrw at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 12:31:47 CEST 2011


If you're targeting Windows then you could have a look at the Microsoft
Speech API (SAPI). It comes with both a speech synthesis and speech
recognition component. Both were significantly improved in SAPI 5.3 which
comes shipped with Windows Vista and above. SAPI allows for multiple voices
(Microsoft Sam, Mike, Mary, Michael, Michelle, Anna, Lernout, Hauspie, IIRC
- perhaps develop your own), and for each voice you can modify the tone and
speed, to emulate multiple people.


On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Sandra Derbring
<sandra.derbring at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> 2011/4/7 Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>
>> Are you limiting to .srt or any text format? Because I believe VLC
>> supports many more text formats.
> We're not limiting to just *.srt. It doesn't matter to us what kind of
> plain format the text is in as long as it's easily downloadable and doesn't
> have to be processed more than necessary.
>> > user state this). In terms of free vs licensing, will this be a problem?
>> On
>> > top of my head, I can think of espeak (not very good) and Festival,
>> > supporting Swedish phonetics, but I am sure there are more.
>> If you speak about this Festival:
>> http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/
>> the license, is a X11 type license and is compatible with the LGPL and
>> GPLv2+ of VLC.
> That's good to know. How would it work if the user already had a licensed
> engine on their system?
>> > is that the engine wouldn't come with the module, but work with the one
>> > already in place on the user's system (if applicable).
>> What OS are targetted by the project?
> Hopefully all OS that VLC itself targets. Is there a need to limit this - I
> mean, it there a lot of extra work doing it for each OS? In that case, I'd
> say Windows would be our main OS, MacOS as second and Ubuntu as third.
> All the best,
> Sandra
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