[vlc-devel] [GSoC] Selection task about SWIG

Alexey Sokolov alexey at alexeysokolov.co.cc
Thu Apr 7 21:01:15 CEST 2011

Ups, sorry, I didn't link to libvlc on compilation line. So proper line 
would be:

g++ -shared -fPIC vlc_wrap.c -o VLC.so $(perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e 
perl_inc -e ldopts) -lvlc

I have vlc installed to nonstandard prefix, and after copypasting the 
command from console I removed -I/home/... and -L/home/... from the 
line... And removed a bit too much.

Best regards,
Alexey "DarthGandalf" Sokolov

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