[vlc-devel] [PATCH 4/5] Subsdelay (new sub-filter)

Yuval Tze yuvaltze at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 00:38:34 CEST 2011

sub-filter that enables extending subtitles delay
 modules/video_filter/Modules.am  |    4 +-
 modules/video_filter/subsdelay.c | 1332 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1335 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 modules/video_filter/subsdelay.c

diff --git a/modules/video_filter/Modules.am b/modules/video_filter/Modules.am
index 2b3bbe5..c48401d 100644
--- a/modules/video_filter/Modules.am
+++ b/modules/video_filter/Modules.am
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ SOURCES_atmo = atmo/atmo.cpp \
 	atmo/FnordlichtConnection.cpp atmo/FnordlichtConnection.h \
 	atmo/AtmoPacketQueue.cpp atmo/AtmoPacketQueue.h
 SOURCES_gradfun = gradfun.c gradfun.h
+SOURCES_subsdelay = subsdelay.c
 noinst_HEADERS = filter_picture.h
 libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += \
@@ -121,4 +122,5 @@ libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += \
 	libwall_plugin.la \
 	libwave_plugin.la \
 	libgradfun_plugin.la \
-	libyuvp_plugin.la
+	libyuvp_plugin.la \
+	libsubsdelay_plugin.la
diff --git a/modules/video_filter/subsdelay.c b/modules/video_filter/subsdelay.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45b0a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/video_filter/subsdelay.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1332 @@
+ * Preamble
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "config.h"
+#include <vlc_common.h>
+#include <vlc_plugin.h>
+#include <vlc_filter.h>
+#include <vlc_subpicture.h>
+#include <vlc_osd.h>
+#include <vlc_es.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ * Local constants
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* descriptions */
+#define SUBSDELAY_HELP N_("Change subtitles delay")
+#define MODE_TEXT N_( "Delay calculation mode" )
+#define MODE_LONGTEXT N_( \
+    "Absolute delay - add absolute delay to each subtitle. " \
+    "Relative to source delay - multiply subtitle delay. " \
+    "Relative to source content - determine subtitle delay from its content (text)." )
+#define FACTOR_TEXT N_( "Calculation factor" )
+#define FACTOR_LONGTEXT N_( "Calculation factor. " \
+    "In Absolute delay mode the factor represents seconds.")
+#define OVERLAP_TEXT N_( "Maximum overlapping subtitles" )
+#define OVERLAP_LONGTEXT N_( "Maximum number of subtitles allowed at the same time." )
+#define MIN_ALPHA_TEXT N_( "Minimum alpha value" )
+    "Alpha value of the earliest subtitle, where 0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque." )
+#define MIN_STOPS_INTERVAL_TEXT N_( "Interval between two disappearances" )
+    "Minimum time (in milliseconds) that subtitle should stay after its predecessor has disappeared " \
+    "(subtitle delay will be extended to meet this requirement)." )
+#define MIN_STOP_START_INTERVAL_TEXT N_( "Interval between disappearance and appearance" )
+    "Minimum time (in milliseconds) between subtitle disappearance and newer subtitle appearance " \
+    "(earlier subtitle delay will be extended to fill the gap)." )
+#define MIN_START_STOP_INTERVAL_TEXT N_( "Interval between appearance and disappearance" )
+    "Minimum time (in milliseconds) that subtitle should stay after newer subtitle has appeared " \
+    "(earlier subtitle delay will be shortened to avoid the overlap)." )
+static const int pi_mode_values[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+static const char * const ppsz_mode_descriptions[] = { N_( "Absolute delay" ), N_( "Relative to source delay" ), N_(
+        "Relative to source content" ) };
+/* parameters */
+#define CFG_PREFIX "subsdelay-"
+#define CFG_MODE                    CFG_PREFIX "mode"
+#define CFG_FACTOR                  CFG_PREFIX "factor"
+#define CFG_OVERLAP                 CFG_PREFIX "overlap"
+#define CFG_MIN_ALPHA               CFG_PREFIX "min-alpha"
+#define CFG_MIN_STOPS_INTERVAL      CFG_PREFIX "min-stops"
+#define CFG_MIN_STOP_START_INTERVAL CFG_PREFIX "min-stop-start"
+#define CFG_MIN_START_STOP_INTERVAL CFG_PREFIX "min-start-stop"
+/* max subtitles handled on the heap */
+/* factor convert macros */
+#define INT_FACTOR_BASE                  1000
+#define FLOAT_FACTOR_TO_INT_FACTOR( x )  (int)( ( x ) * INT_FACTOR_BASE )
+#define INT_FACTOR_TO_MICROSEC( x )      ( ( x ) * ( 1000000 / INT_FACTOR_BASE ) )
+#define INT_FACTOR_TO_RANK_FACTOR( x )   ( x )
+#define MILLISEC_TO_MICROSEC( x )        ( ( x ) * 1000 )
+#define SUBSDELAY_MODE_ABSOLUTE                0
+ * subsdelay_heap_entry_t: Heap entry
+ *****************************************************************************/
+typedef subpicture_updater_sys_t subsdelay_heap_entry_t;
+struct subpicture_updater_sys_t
+    subpicture_t *p_subpic; /* local subtitle */
+    subpicture_t *p_source; /* subtitle source */
+    filter_t *p_filter; /* assigned subsdelay filter */
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_next; /* next entry */
+    bool b_update_stop; /* new stop value should be calculated */
+    bool b_update_ephemer; /* actual stop value is unknown */
+    bool b_update_position; /* subtitle position should be updated */
+    bool b_check_empty; /* subtitle content should be checked */
+    mtime_t i_new_stop; /* new stop value */
+    /* last region data*/
+    int i_last_region_x;
+    int i_last_region_y;
+    int i_last_region_align;
+    bool b_last_region_saved;
+ * subsdelay_heap_t: Heap
+ *****************************************************************************/
+typedef struct
+    vlc_mutex_t lock; /* heap global lock */
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_list[SUBSDELAY_MAX_ENTRIES]; /* subtitles entries array */
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_head; /* subtitles entries linked list */
+    int i_count; /* subtitles count */
+} subsdelay_heap_t;
+* filter_sys_t: Subsdelay filter descriptor
+ *****************************************************************************/
+struct filter_sys_t
+    int i_mode; /* delay calculation mode */
+    int i_factor; /* calculation factor */
+    int i_overlap; /* max overlap */
+    int i_min_alpha; /* oldest subtitle alpha value */
+    int64_t i_min_stops_interval;
+    int64_t i_min_stop_start_interval;
+    int64_t i_min_start_stop_interval;
+    subsdelay_heap_t heap; /* subpictures list */
+ * Filter functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubsdelayCreate( vlc_object_t * );
+static void SubsdelayDestroy( vlc_object_t * );
+static subpicture_t * SubsdelayFilter( filter_t *p_filter, subpicture_t* p_subpic );
+static int SubsdelayCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_var, vlc_value_t oldval, vlc_value_t newval,
+        void *p_data );
+ * Helper functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayEnforceDelayRules( filter_t *p_filter );
+static int64_t SubsdelayEstimateDelay( filter_t *p_filter, subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry );
+static void SubsdelayRecalculateDelays( filter_t *p_filter );
+static int SubsdelayCalculateAlpha( filter_t *p_filter, int i_overlapping, int i_source_alpha );
+static int SubsdelayGetTextRank( char *psz_text );
+static bool SubsdelayIsTextEmpty( char *psz_text );
+ * Subpicture functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubpicValidateWrapper( subpicture_t *p_subpic, bool has_src_changed, const video_format_t *p_fmt_src,
+                                  bool has_dst_changed, const video_format_t *p_fmt_dst, mtime_t i_ts );
+static void SubpicUpdateWrapper( subpicture_t *p_subpic, const video_format_t *p_fmt_src,
+                                  const video_format_t *p_fmt_dst, mtime_t i_ts );
+static void SubpicDestroyWrapper( subpicture_t *p_subpic );
+static void SubpicLocalUpdate( subpicture_t* p_subpic, mtime_t i_ts );
+static bool SubpicIsEmpty( subpicture_t* p_subpic );
+static subpicture_t *SubpicClone( subpicture_t *p_source, subpicture_updater_t *updater );
+static void SubpicDestroyClone( subpicture_t *p_subpic );
+ * Heap functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayHeapInit( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap );
+static void SubsdelayHeapDestroy( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap );
+static subsdelay_heap_entry_t *SubsdelayHeapPush( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap, subpicture_t *p_subpic, filter_t *p_filter );
+static void SubsdelayHeapRemove( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap, subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry );
+static void SubsdelayRebuildList( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap );
+static void SubsdelayHeapLock( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap );
+static void SubsdelayHeapUnlock( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap );
+static subsdelay_heap_entry_t * SubsdelayEntryCreate( subpicture_t *p_subpic, filter_t *p_filter );
+static void SubsdelayEntryDestroy( subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry );
+/* heap / entries special functionality */
+static int SubsdelayHeapCountOverlap( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap, subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry, mtime_t i_date );
+static void SubsdelayEntryNewStopValueUpdated( subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry );
+ * Module descriptor
+ *****************************************************************************/
+        set_shortname( _("Subsdelay") )
+        set_description( _("Subtitles delay") )
+        set_help( SUBSDELAY_HELP )
+        set_capability( "sub filter", 0 )
+        set_callbacks( SubsdelayCreate, SubsdelayDestroy )
+        set_category( CAT_VIDEO )
+        set_subcategory( SUBCAT_VIDEO_SUBPIC )
+        add_integer( CFG_MODE, 1, MODE_TEXT, MODE_LONGTEXT, false )
+        change_integer_list( pi_mode_values, ppsz_mode_descriptions )
+        add_float_with_range( CFG_FACTOR, 2, 0, 20, NULL, FACTOR_TEXT, FACTOR_LONGTEXT, false )
+        add_integer_with_range( CFG_OVERLAP, 3, 1, 4, NULL, OVERLAP_TEXT, OVERLAP_LONGTEXT, false )
+        add_integer_with_range( CFG_MIN_ALPHA, 125, 0, 255, NULL, MIN_ALPHA_TEXT, MIN_ALPHA_LONGTEXT, false )
+        set_section( N_("Overlap fix"), NULL )
+                     MIN_START_STOP_INTERVAL_LONGTEXT, false )
+                     MIN_STOP_START_INTERVAL_LONGTEXT, false )
+    vlc_module_end ()
+static const char * const ppsz_filter_options[] = { "mode", "factor", "overlap", NULL };
+ * SubsdelayCreate: Create subsdelay filter
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubsdelayCreate( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+    filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *) p_this;
+    filter_sys_t *p_sys;
+    /* allocate structure */
+    p_sys = (filter_sys_t*) malloc( sizeof(filter_sys_t) );
+    if( !p_sys )
+    {
+        return VLC_ENOMEM;
+    }
+    /* init parameters */
+    p_sys->i_mode = var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_filter, CFG_MODE );
+    var_AddCallback( p_filter, CFG_MODE, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    p_sys->i_factor = FLOAT_FACTOR_TO_INT_FACTOR( var_CreateGetFloatCommand( p_filter, CFG_FACTOR ) );
+    var_AddCallback( p_filter, CFG_FACTOR, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    p_sys->i_overlap = var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_filter, CFG_OVERLAP );
+    var_AddCallback( p_filter, CFG_OVERLAP, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    p_sys->i_min_alpha = var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_filter, CFG_MIN_ALPHA );
+    var_AddCallback( p_filter, CFG_MIN_ALPHA, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    p_sys->i_min_stops_interval
+            = MILLISEC_TO_MICROSEC( var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_filter, CFG_MIN_STOPS_INTERVAL ) );
+    var_AddCallback( p_filter, CFG_MIN_STOPS_INTERVAL, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    p_sys->i_min_stop_start_interval
+            = MILLISEC_TO_MICROSEC( var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_filter, CFG_MIN_STOP_START_INTERVAL ) );
+    var_AddCallback( p_filter, CFG_MIN_STOP_START_INTERVAL, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    p_sys->i_min_start_stop_interval
+            = MILLISEC_TO_MICROSEC( var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_filter, CFG_MIN_START_STOP_INTERVAL ) );
+    var_AddCallback( p_filter, CFG_MIN_START_STOP_INTERVAL, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    p_filter->p_sys = p_sys;
+    p_filter->pf_sub_filter = SubsdelayFilter;
+    config_ChainParse( p_filter, CFG_PREFIX, ppsz_filter_options, p_filter->p_cfg );
+    SubsdelayHeapInit( &p_sys->heap );
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+ * SubsdelayDestroy: Destroy subsdelay filter
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayDestroy( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+    filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *) p_this;
+    filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
+    SubsdelayHeapDestroy( &p_sys->heap );
+    /* destroy parameters */
+    var_DelCallback( p_filter, CFG_MODE, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    var_Destroy( p_filter, CFG_MODE );
+    var_DelCallback( p_filter, CFG_FACTOR, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    var_Destroy( p_filter, CFG_FACTOR );
+    var_DelCallback( p_filter, CFG_OVERLAP, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    var_Destroy( p_filter, CFG_OVERLAP );
+    var_DelCallback( p_filter, CFG_MIN_ALPHA, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    var_Destroy( p_filter, CFG_MIN_ALPHA );
+    var_DelCallback( p_filter, CFG_MIN_STOPS_INTERVAL, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    var_Destroy( p_filter, CFG_MIN_STOPS_INTERVAL );
+    var_DelCallback( p_filter, CFG_MIN_STOP_START_INTERVAL, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    var_Destroy( p_filter, CFG_MIN_STOP_START_INTERVAL );
+    var_DelCallback( p_filter, CFG_MIN_START_STOP_INTERVAL, SubsdelayCallback, p_sys );
+    var_Destroy( p_filter, CFG_MIN_START_STOP_INTERVAL );
+    free( p_sys );
+ * SubsdelayFilter: Filter new subpicture
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static subpicture_t * SubsdelayFilter( filter_t *p_filter, subpicture_t* p_subpic )
+    subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap;
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry;
+    if( !p_subpic->b_subtitle )
+    {
+        return p_subpic;
+    }
+    if( SubpicIsEmpty( p_subpic ) )
+    {
+        /* empty subtitles usually helps terminate ephemer subtitles, but this filter calculates the stop value anyway,
+           so this subtitle can be dropped */
+        subpicture_Delete( p_subpic );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p_heap = &p_filter->p_sys->heap;
+    /* add subpicture to the heap */
+    SubsdelayHeapLock( p_heap );
+    p_entry = SubsdelayHeapPush( p_heap, p_subpic, p_filter );
+    if( !p_entry )
+    {
+        SubsdelayHeapUnlock( p_heap );
+        msg_Err(p_filter, "Can't add subpicture to the heap");
+        return p_subpic;
+    }
+    p_subpic = p_entry->p_subpic; /* get the local subpic */
+    if( p_subpic->b_ephemer )
+    {
+        /* set a relativly long delay in hope that the next subtitle
+           will arrive in this time and the real delay could be determined */
+        p_subpic->i_stop = p_subpic->i_start + 20000000; /* start + 20 sec */
+        p_subpic->b_ephemer = false;
+    }
+    SubsdelayEnforceDelayRules( p_filter );
+    SubsdelayHeapUnlock( p_heap );
+    return p_subpic;
+ * SubsdelayCallback: Subsdelay parameters callback
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubsdelayCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_var, vlc_value_t oldval, vlc_value_t newval,
+        void *p_data )
+    filter_sys_t *p_sys = (filter_sys_t *) p_data;
+    VLC_UNUSED( oldval );
+    SubsdelayHeapLock( &p_sys->heap );
+    if( !strcmp( psz_var, CFG_MODE ) )
+    {
+        p_sys->i_mode = newval.i_int;
+    }
+    else if( !strcmp( psz_var, CFG_FACTOR ) )
+    {
+        p_sys->i_factor = FLOAT_FACTOR_TO_INT_FACTOR( newval.f_float );
+    }
+    else if( !strcmp( psz_var, CFG_OVERLAP ) )
+    {
+        p_sys->i_overlap = newval.i_int;
+    }
+    else if( !strcmp( psz_var, CFG_MIN_ALPHA ) )
+    {
+        p_sys->i_min_alpha = newval.i_int;
+    }
+    else if( !strcmp( psz_var, CFG_MIN_STOPS_INTERVAL ) )
+    {
+        p_sys->i_min_stops_interval = MILLISEC_TO_MICROSEC( newval.i_int );
+    }
+    else if( !strcmp( psz_var, CFG_MIN_STOP_START_INTERVAL ) )
+    {
+        p_sys->i_min_stop_start_interval = MILLISEC_TO_MICROSEC( newval.i_int );
+    }
+    else if( !strcmp( psz_var, CFG_MIN_START_STOP_INTERVAL ) )
+    {
+        p_sys->i_min_start_stop_interval = MILLISEC_TO_MICROSEC( newval.i_int );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SubsdelayHeapUnlock( &p_sys->heap );
+        return VLC_ENOVAR;
+    }
+    SubsdelayRecalculateDelays( (filter_t *) p_this );
+    SubsdelayHeapUnlock( &p_sys->heap );
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+ * SubsdelayHeapInit: Initialize heap
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayHeapInit( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap )
+    p_heap->i_count = 0;
+    p_heap->p_head = NULL;
+    vlc_mutex_init( &p_heap->lock );
+ * SubsdelayHeapDestroy: Destroy the heap and remove its entries
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayHeapDestroy( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry;
+    SubsdelayHeapLock( p_heap );
+    for( p_entry = p_heap->p_head; p_entry != NULL; p_entry = p_entry->p_next )
+    {
+        p_entry->p_subpic->i_stop = p_entry->p_source->i_stop;
+        p_entry->p_filter = NULL;
+    }
+    SubsdelayHeapUnlock( p_heap );
+    vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_heap->lock );
+ * SubsdelayHeapPush: Add new subpicture to the heap
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static subsdelay_heap_entry_t *SubsdelayHeapPush( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap, subpicture_t *p_subpic, filter_t *p_filter )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry, *p_last, *p_new_entry;
+    if( p_heap->i_count >= SUBSDELAY_MAX_ENTRIES )
+    {
+        return NULL; /* the heap is full */
+    }
+    p_new_entry = SubsdelayEntryCreate( p_subpic, p_filter );
+    if( !p_new_entry )
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p_last = NULL;
+    for( p_entry = p_heap->p_head; p_entry != NULL; p_entry = p_entry->p_next )
+    {
+        if( p_entry->p_source->i_start > p_subpic->i_start )
+        {
+            /* the new entry should be inserted before p_entry */
+            break;
+        }
+        p_last = p_entry;
+    }
+    if( p_last )
+    {
+        p_new_entry->p_next = p_last->p_next;
+        p_last->p_next = p_new_entry;
+        if( p_last->b_update_ephemer )
+        {
+            /* the correct stop value can be determined */
+            p_last->p_source->i_stop = p_new_entry->p_source->i_start;
+            p_last->b_update_ephemer = false;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        p_new_entry->p_next = p_heap->p_head;
+        p_heap->p_head = p_new_entry;
+    }
+    /* rebuild list */
+    SubsdelayRebuildList( p_heap );
+    return p_new_entry;
+ * SubsdelayHeapRemove: Remove entry
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayHeapRemove( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap, subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_curr, *p_prev;
+    p_prev = NULL;
+    for( p_curr = p_heap->p_head; p_curr != NULL; p_curr = p_curr->p_next )
+    {
+        if( p_curr == p_entry )
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        p_prev = p_curr;
+    }
+    if( p_prev )
+    {
+        p_prev->p_next = p_entry->p_next;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        p_heap->p_head = p_entry->p_next;
+    }
+    p_entry->p_filter = NULL;
+    SubsdelayRebuildList( p_heap );
+static void SubsdelayRebuildList( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_curr;
+    int i_index;
+    i_index = 0;
+    for( p_curr = p_heap->p_head; p_curr != NULL; p_curr = p_curr->p_next )
+    {
+        p_heap->p_list[i_index] = p_curr;
+        i_index++;
+    }
+    p_heap->i_count = i_index;
+ * SubsdelayHeapLock: Lock the heap
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayHeapLock( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap )
+    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_heap->lock );
+ * SubsdelayHeapUnlock: Unlock the heap
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayHeapUnlock( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap )
+    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_heap->lock );
+ * SubsdelayHeapCreateEntry: Create new entry
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static subsdelay_heap_entry_t * SubsdelayEntryCreate( subpicture_t *p_source, filter_t *p_filter )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry;
+    subpicture_t *p_new_subpic;
+    subpicture_updater_t updater;
+    /* allocate structure */
+    p_entry = (subsdelay_heap_entry_t *) malloc( sizeof( subsdelay_heap_entry_t ) );
+    if( !p_entry )
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* initialize local updater */
+    updater.p_sys = p_entry;
+    updater.pf_validate = SubpicValidateWrapper;
+    updater.pf_update = SubpicUpdateWrapper;
+    updater.pf_destroy = SubpicDestroyWrapper;
+    /* create new subpic */
+    p_new_subpic = SubpicClone( p_source,  &updater );
+    if( !p_new_subpic )
+    {
+        free( p_entry );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* initialize entry */
+    p_entry->p_subpic = p_new_subpic;
+    p_entry->p_source = p_source;
+    p_entry->p_filter = p_filter;
+    p_entry->p_next = NULL;
+    p_entry->b_update_stop = true;
+    p_entry->b_update_ephemer = p_source->b_ephemer;
+    p_entry->b_update_position = true;
+    p_entry->b_check_empty = true;
+    p_entry->i_new_stop = p_source->i_stop;
+    p_entry->b_last_region_saved = false;
+    p_entry->i_last_region_x = 0;
+    p_entry->i_last_region_y = 0;
+    p_entry->i_last_region_align = 0;
+    return p_entry;
+ * SubsdelayEntryDestroy: Destroy entry
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayEntryDestroy( subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry )
+    SubpicDestroyClone( p_entry->p_source );
+    free( p_entry );
+ * SubsdelayHeapCountOverlap: Count overlapping subtitles at a given time
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubsdelayHeapCountOverlap( subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap, subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry, mtime_t i_date )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_curr;
+    int i_overlaps;
+    VLC_UNUSED( p_heap );
+    i_overlaps = 0;
+    for( p_curr = p_entry->p_next; p_curr != NULL; p_curr = p_curr->p_next )
+    {
+        if( p_curr->p_source->i_start > i_date )
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        if( !p_curr->b_check_empty ) /* subtitle was checked, and it's not empty */
+        {
+            i_overlaps++;
+        }
+    }
+    return i_overlaps;
+ * SubsdelayEntryNewStopValueUpdated: Update source stop value after the new
+ *     stop value was changed
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayEntryNewStopValueUpdated( subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry )
+    if( !p_entry->b_update_stop )
+    {
+        p_entry->p_subpic->i_stop = p_entry->i_new_stop - 100000; /* 0.1 sec less */
+    }
+ * SubsdelayEnforceDelayRules: Update subtitles delay after adding new
+ *     subtitle or changing subtitle stop value
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayEnforceDelayRules( filter_t *p_filter )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t ** p_list;
+    int i, j, i_count, i_overlap;
+    int64_t i_offset;
+    int64_t i_min_stops_interval;
+    int64_t i_min_stop_start_interval;
+    int64_t i_min_start_stop_interval;
+    p_list = p_filter->p_sys->heap.p_list;
+    i_count = p_filter->p_sys->heap.i_count;
+    i_overlap = p_filter->p_sys->i_overlap;
+    i_min_stops_interval = p_filter->p_sys->i_min_stops_interval;
+    i_min_stop_start_interval = p_filter->p_sys->i_min_stop_start_interval;
+    i_min_start_stop_interval = p_filter->p_sys->i_min_start_stop_interval;
+    /* step 1 - enforce min stops interval rule (extend delays) */
+    /* look for:
+    [subtitle 1 ..............]
+           [subtitle 2 ..............]
+                              |<-MinStopsInterval->|
+     * and extend newer subtitle:
+    [subtitle 1 ..............]
+           [subtitle 2 ............................]
+                              |<-MinStopsInterval->|
+    */
+    for( i = 0; i < i_count - 1; i++ )
+    {
+        p_list[i + 1]->i_new_stop = __MAX( p_list[i + 1]->i_new_stop,
+                p_list[i]->i_new_stop + i_min_stops_interval );
+    }
+    /* step 2 - enforce min stop start interval rule (extend delays) */
+    /* look for:
+    [subtitle 1 .........]
+                                   [subtitle 2 ....]
+          |<-MinStopStartInterval->|
+     * and fill the gap:
+    [subtitle 1 ..................]
+                                   [subtitle 2 ....]
+          |<-MinStopStartInterval->|
+    */
+    for( i = 0; i < i_count; i++ )
+    {
+        for( j = i + 1; j < __MIN( i_count, i + 1 + i_overlap ); j++ )
+        {
+            i_offset = p_list[j]->p_source->i_start - p_list[i]->i_new_stop;
+            if( i_offset <= 0 )
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if( i_offset < i_min_stop_start_interval )
+            {
+                p_list[i]->i_new_stop = p_list[j]->p_source->i_start;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* step 3 - enforce min start stop interval rule (shorten delays) */
+    /* look for:
+    [subtitle 1 ............]
+                    [subtitle 2 ....................]
+                    |<-MinStartStopInterval->|
+     * and remove the overlapping part:
+    [subtitle 1 ...]
+                    [subtitle 2 ....................]
+                    |<-MinStartStopInterval->|
+    */
+    for( i = 0; i < i_count; i++ )
+    {
+        for( j = i + 1; j < __MIN( i_count, i + 1 + i_overlap ); j++ )
+        {
+            i_offset = p_list[i]->i_new_stop - p_list[j]->p_source->i_start;
+            if( i_offset <= 0 )
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            if( i_offset < i_min_start_stop_interval )
+            {
+                p_list[i]->i_new_stop = p_list[j]->p_source->i_start;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* step 4 - enforce max overlapping rule (shorten delays)*/
+    /* look for: (overlap = 2)
+    [subtitle 1 ..............]
+             [subtitle 2 ..............]
+                      [subtitle 3 ..............]
+     * and cut older subtitle:
+    [subtitle 1 .....]
+             [subtitle 2 ..............]
+                      [subtitle 3 ..............]
+    */
+    for( i = 0; i < i_count - i_overlap; i++ )
+    {
+        if( p_list[i]->i_new_stop > p_list[i + i_overlap]->p_source->i_start )
+        {
+            p_list[i]->i_new_stop = p_list[i + i_overlap]->p_source->i_start;
+        }
+    }
+    /* finally - update all */
+    for( i = 0; i < i_count; i++ )
+    {
+        SubsdelayEntryNewStopValueUpdated( p_list[i] );
+    }
+ * SubsdelayRecalculateDelays: Recalculate subtitles delay after changing
+ *     one of the filter's parameters
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubsdelayRecalculateDelays( filter_t *p_filter )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_curr;
+    for( p_curr = p_filter->p_sys->heap.p_head; p_curr != NULL; p_curr = p_curr->p_next )
+    {
+        if( !p_curr->b_update_ephemer )
+        {
+            p_curr->i_new_stop = p_curr->p_source->i_start + SubsdelayEstimateDelay( p_filter, p_curr );
+            p_curr->b_update_stop = false;
+        }
+    }
+    SubsdelayEnforceDelayRules( p_filter );
+ * SubpicValidateWrapper: Subpicture validate callback wrapper
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubpicValidateWrapper( subpicture_t *p_subpic, bool has_src_changed, const video_format_t *p_fmt_src,
+                                  bool has_dst_changed, const video_format_t *p_fmt_dst, mtime_t i_ts )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry;
+    mtime_t i_new_ts;
+    int i_result;
+    p_entry = p_subpic->updater.p_sys;
+    if( !p_entry )
+    {
+        return VLC_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* call source validate */
+    if( p_entry->p_source->updater.pf_validate )
+    {
+        i_new_ts = p_entry->p_source->i_start +
+                   ( (double)( p_entry->p_source->i_stop - p_entry->p_source->i_start ) * ( i_ts - p_entry->p_source->i_start ) ) /
+                   ( p_entry->i_new_stop - p_entry->p_source->i_start );
+        i_result = p_entry->p_source->updater.pf_validate( p_entry->p_source, has_src_changed, p_fmt_src,
+                                                        has_dst_changed, p_fmt_dst, i_new_ts );
+    }
+    p_entry->b_last_region_saved = false;
+    if( p_subpic->p_region )
+    {
+        /* save copy */
+        p_entry->i_last_region_x = p_subpic->p_region->i_x;
+        p_entry->i_last_region_y = p_subpic->p_region->i_y;
+        p_entry->i_last_region_align = p_subpic->p_region->i_align;
+        p_entry->b_last_region_saved = true;
+    }
+    if( !i_result )
+    {
+        /* subpic update isn't necessary, so local update should be called here */
+        SubpicLocalUpdate( p_subpic, i_ts );
+    }
+    return i_result;
+ * SubpicUpdateWrapper: Subpicture update callback wrapper
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubpicUpdateWrapper( subpicture_t *p_subpic, const video_format_t *p_fmt_src,
+                                  const video_format_t *p_fmt_dst, mtime_t i_ts )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry;
+    mtime_t i_new_ts;
+    p_entry = p_subpic->updater.p_sys;
+    if( !p_entry )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* call source update */
+    if( p_entry->p_source->updater.pf_update )
+    {
+        i_new_ts = p_entry->p_source->i_start +
+                   ( (double)( p_entry->p_source->i_stop - p_entry->p_source->i_start ) * ( i_ts - p_entry->p_source->i_start ) ) /
+                   ( p_entry->i_new_stop - p_entry->p_source->i_start );
+        p_entry->p_source->p_region = p_entry->p_subpic->p_region;
+        p_entry->p_source->updater.pf_update( p_entry->p_source, p_fmt_src, p_fmt_dst, i_new_ts );
+        p_entry->p_subpic->p_region = p_entry->p_source->p_region;
+    }
+    SubpicLocalUpdate( p_subpic, i_ts );
+ * SubpicDestroyCallback: Subpicture destroy callback
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubpicDestroyWrapper( subpicture_t *p_subpic )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry;
+    subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap;
+    p_entry = p_subpic->updater.p_sys;
+    if( !p_entry )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    if( p_entry->p_filter )
+    {
+        p_heap = &p_entry->p_filter->p_sys->heap;
+        SubsdelayHeapLock( p_heap );
+        SubsdelayHeapRemove( p_heap, p_entry );
+        SubsdelayHeapUnlock( p_heap );
+    }
+    SubsdelayEntryDestroy( p_entry );
+ * SubpicLocalUpdate: rewrite some of the subpicture parameters
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubpicLocalUpdate( subpicture_t* p_subpic, mtime_t i_ts )
+    subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry;
+    subsdelay_heap_t *p_heap;
+    filter_t *p_filter;
+    int i_overlapping;
+    p_entry = p_subpic->updater.p_sys;
+    if( !p_entry || !p_entry->p_filter )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    p_filter = p_entry->p_filter;
+    p_heap = &p_filter->p_sys->heap;
+    SubsdelayHeapLock( p_heap );
+    if( p_entry->b_check_empty && p_subpic->p_region )
+    {
+        if( SubsdelayIsTextEmpty( p_subpic->p_region->psz_html ) ||
+            SubsdelayIsTextEmpty( p_subpic->p_region->psz_text ) )
+        {
+            /* remove empty subtitle */
+            p_subpic->b_ephemer = false;
+            p_subpic->i_stop = p_subpic->i_start;
+            SubsdelayHeapRemove( p_heap, p_entry );
+            SubsdelayHeapUnlock( p_heap );
+            return;
+        }
+        p_entry->b_check_empty = false;
+    }
+    if( p_entry->b_update_stop && !p_entry->b_update_ephemer )
+    {
+        p_entry->i_new_stop = p_entry->p_source->i_start + SubsdelayEstimateDelay( p_filter, p_entry );
+        p_entry->b_update_stop = false;
+        SubsdelayEnforceDelayRules( p_filter );
+    }
+    i_overlapping = SubsdelayHeapCountOverlap( p_heap, p_entry, i_ts );
+    p_subpic->i_alpha = SubsdelayCalculateAlpha( p_filter, i_overlapping, p_entry->p_source->i_alpha );
+    if( p_entry->b_update_position )
+    {
+        p_subpic->b_absolute = false;
+        if( p_subpic->p_region )
+        {
+            p_subpic->p_region->i_x = 0;
+            p_subpic->p_region->i_y = 10;
+            p_subpic->p_region->i_align = ( p_subpic->p_region->i_align & ( ~SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_MASK ) )
+                    | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
+        }
+        p_entry->b_update_position = false;
+    }
+    else if( p_entry->b_last_region_saved )
+    {
+        p_subpic->b_absolute = true;
+        if( p_subpic->p_region )
+        {
+            p_subpic->p_region->i_x = p_entry->i_last_region_x;
+            p_subpic->p_region->i_y = p_entry->i_last_region_y;
+            p_subpic->p_region->i_align = p_entry->i_last_region_align;
+        }
+    }
+    SubsdelayHeapUnlock( p_heap );
+ * SubpicIsEmpty: subpic region contains empty string
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static bool SubpicIsEmpty( subpicture_t* p_subpic )
+    return ( p_subpic->p_region && ( SubsdelayIsTextEmpty( p_subpic->p_region->psz_html ) ||
+                                     SubsdelayIsTextEmpty( p_subpic->p_region->psz_text ) ) );
+ * SubpicClone: Clone subpicture (shallow copy)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static subpicture_t *SubpicClone( subpicture_t *p_source, subpicture_updater_t *updater )
+    subpicture_t *p_subpic;
+    subpicture_updater_t subpic_updater;
+    subpicture_private_t *p_subpic_private;
+    p_subpic = subpicture_New( updater );
+    if( !p_subpic )
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* save private members */
+    subpic_updater = p_subpic->updater;
+    p_subpic_private = p_subpic->p_private;
+    /* copy the entire struct */
+    memcpy( p_subpic, p_source, sizeof( subpicture_t ) );
+    /* restore private members */
+    p_subpic->updater = subpic_updater;
+    p_subpic->p_private = p_subpic_private;
+    return p_subpic;
+ * SubpicDestroyClone: destroy cloned subpicture (shared references will not
+ *     be destroyed)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void SubpicDestroyClone( subpicture_t *p_subpic )
+    p_subpic->p_region = NULL; /* don't destroy region */
+    subpicture_Delete( p_subpic );
+ * SubsdelayEstimateDelay: Calculate new subtitle delay according to its
+ *     content and the calculation mode
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int64_t SubsdelayEstimateDelay( filter_t *p_filter, subsdelay_heap_entry_t *p_entry )
+    int i_mode;
+    int i_factor;
+    int i_rank;
+    i_mode = p_filter->p_sys->i_mode;
+    i_factor = p_filter->p_sys->i_factor;
+    if( i_mode == SUBSDELAY_MODE_ABSOLUTE )
+    {
+        return ( p_entry->p_source->i_stop - p_entry->p_source->i_start + INT_FACTOR_TO_MICROSEC( i_factor ) );
+    }
+    {
+        if( p_entry->p_subpic && p_entry->p_subpic->p_region && ( p_entry->p_subpic->p_region->psz_text
+                || p_entry->p_subpic->p_region->psz_html ) )
+        {
+            if( p_entry->p_subpic->p_region->psz_text )
+            {
+                i_rank = SubsdelayGetTextRank( p_entry->p_subpic->p_region->psz_text );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                i_rank = SubsdelayGetTextRank( p_entry->p_subpic->p_region->psz_html );
+            }
+            return ( i_rank * INT_FACTOR_TO_RANK_FACTOR( i_factor ) );
+        }
+        /* content is unavailable, calculation mode should be based on source delay */
+    }
+    {
+        return ( ( i_factor * ( p_entry->p_source->i_stop - p_entry->p_source->i_start ) ) / INT_FACTOR_BASE );
+    }
+    return 10000000; /* 10 sec */
+ * SubsdelayCalculateAlpha: Calculate subtitle alpha according to source alpha
+ *     value and number of overlapping subtitles
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubsdelayCalculateAlpha( filter_t *p_filter, int i_overlapping, int i_source_alpha )
+    int i_new_alpha;
+    int i_min_alpha;
+    i_min_alpha = p_filter->p_sys->i_min_alpha;
+    if( i_overlapping > p_filter->p_sys->i_overlap - 1)
+    {
+        i_overlapping = p_filter->p_sys->i_overlap - 1;
+    }
+    switch ( p_filter->p_sys->i_overlap )
+    {
+    case 1:
+        i_new_alpha = 255;
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        i_new_alpha = 255 - i_overlapping * ( 255 - i_min_alpha );
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        i_new_alpha = 255 - i_overlapping * ( 255 - i_min_alpha ) / 2;
+        break;
+    default:
+        i_new_alpha = 255 - i_overlapping * ( 255 - i_min_alpha ) / 3;
+        break;
+    }
+    return ( i_source_alpha * i_new_alpha ) / 255;
+ * SubsdelayGetWordRank: Calculate single word rank according to its length
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubsdelayGetWordRank( int i_length )
+    /* p_rank[0] = p_rank[1] = p_rank[2] = 300;
+    for( i = 3; i < 20; i++ ) p_rank[i] = (int) ( 1.1 * p_rank[i - 1] ); */
+    static const int p_rank[20] = { 300, 300, 300, 330, 363, 399, 438, 481, 529, 581,
+                                    639, 702, 772, 849, 933, 1026, 1128, 1240, 1364, 1500 };
+    if( i_length < 1 )
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if( i_length > 20 )
+    {
+        i_length = 20;
+    }
+    return p_rank[i_length - 1];
+ * SubsdelayGetTextRank: Calculate text rank
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int SubsdelayGetTextRank( char *psz_text )
+    bool b_skip_esc;
+    bool b_skip_tag;
+    char c;
+    int i, i_word_length, i_rank;
+    i = 0;
+    i_word_length = 0;
+    i_rank = 0;
+    b_skip_esc = false;
+    b_skip_tag = false;
+    while ( psz_text[i] != '\0' )
+    {
+        c = psz_text[i];
+        i++;
+        if( c == '\\' && !b_skip_esc )
+        {
+            b_skip_esc = true;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if( psz_text[i] == '<' )
+        {
+            b_skip_tag = true;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if( !b_skip_esc && !b_skip_tag )
+        {
+            if( c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '?' || c == '!' ) /* common delimiters */
+            {
+                if( i_word_length > 0 )
+                {
+                    i_rank += SubsdelayGetWordRank( i_word_length );
+                }
+                i_word_length = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                i_word_length++;
+            }
+        }
+        b_skip_esc = false;
+        if( c == '>' )
+        {
+            b_skip_tag = false;
+        }
+    }
+    if( i_word_length > 0 )
+    {
+        i_rank += SubsdelayGetWordRank( i_word_length );
+    }
+    return i_rank;
+ * SubsdelayIsTextEmpty: Check if the text contains spaces only
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static bool SubsdelayIsTextEmpty( char *psz_text )
+    if( !psz_text )
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    psz_text += strspn( psz_text, " " );
+    return !( *psz_text );

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