[vlc-devel] Fix wrong or missing stream length

Tobias Güntner fatbull at web.de
Mon Aug 15 20:07:33 CEST 2011


I have a lot of videos (mostly TV recordings created by VDR 1.6) for 
which VLC fails to calculate the length correctly. VLC often displays 
either no length at all or a ridiculously high length, such as 20 hours 
for a 5 minute recording. As a result, chapter marks on the main slider 
are either missing completely or squeezed in the left corner.

The cause for both problems is twofold:

1. Timestamps do not start at 0 and sometimes wrap around, e.g.:
	ps debug: force SCR: 95443698123
	ps debug: force SCR: 56601
	main warning: clock gap, unexpected stream discontinuity

2. VLC does not ignore invalid timestamps in the length calculation.

Patch in attachment.

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