[vlc-devel] Video packet reordering

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Wed Dec 7 19:10:23 CET 2011

Le mercredi 7 décembre 2011 20:02:30 John Zavgren, vous avez écrit :
> Are there packet resequencing functions in vlc that I can activate
> that leverage off the sequence numbers in RTP, and reverse these
> network impairments?

If you use the built-in RTP receiver, you can change the maximum drop-out, 
maximum misorder and timeout from the preferences.

> Allegedly, RTP can compensate, and I assume the
> issue is whether vlc implements the full RFC?

That question means nothing as there are many different RFC's involved and 
there is no single standardized reordering process (as far as I know).

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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