[vlc-devel] [VLC] #4540: can't use http URL behind .htaccess protection with web plugin

andre akiki at free.fr
Thu Mar 3 12:58:24 CET 2011


I want to bring some precision about my problem - may be not enough described in my request. 

The authentication popup is missing as I request the URL. 

The only way to gain access is by prefixing the URL as http://user:password@URL 
Furthermore, for my use, the browser has already gain the credentials before and for me must keep  them along the session. 

I don't  encountered such problem with embedded QuickTime Player or Windows Media Player. 

Thanks for an answer. 

-- Andre -- 

----- Mail Original ----- 
De: "VLC" <trac at videolan.org> 
À: undisclosed-recipients:; 
Envoyé: Mercredi 2 Mars 2011 18h38:20 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne 
Objet: Re: [VLC] #4540: can't use http URL behind .htaccess protection with web plugin 

#4540: can't use http URL behind .htaccess protection with web plugin 
  Reporter:  akiki                               |        Owner:                   
      Type:  defect                              |       Status:  closed           
  Priority:  normal                              |    Milestone:  Features paradize 
 Component:  Access                              |      Version:  master           
  Severity:  normal                              |   Resolution:  invalid           
  Keywords:  vlc activex object htaccess apache  |     Platform:  Win32             
Difficulty:  medium                              |          Wip:  Not started       
Changes (by courmisch): 

  * component:  Interface: HTTP server => Access 
  * milestone:  1.1.8 => Features paradize 

Ticket URL: <https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/4540#comment:2> 
VLC <http://www.videolan.org/vlc/> 
VLC media player 
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