[vlc-devel] new mac interface

Georg Seifert georg.seifert at gmx.de
Thu Mar 24 12:17:27 CET 2011


I really like the new mac interface style. Only two minor thing: in the voutWindow, the left end of the slider background is shifted one unit to the left. And the vout itself needs to move up one pixel (and be one pixel smaller). There is a gray border on top of the bottom bar that is covered and the video is to close to the controls. And move the controls on pixel down. This gives a better balance in the bottom bar.

This is a changed MainMenu.nib

This is the old appearance (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3563666/oldBottomBar.png):

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and this is the new (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3563666/bottombar.png):

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And the images inside the buttons could be slightly bigger. 


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