[vlc-devel] [PATCH] lua: redirect telnet shortcut to unified rc interface
Pierre Ynard
linkfanel at yahoo.fr
Sun Mar 27 13:25:48 CEST 2011
The telnet interface is removed. In its place, a small wrapper is used
to provide backward compatibility with --lua-config configuration.
Also, I think that the RC interface should be renamed CLI. If nobody
objects, I'll make further modifications to allow that.
diff --git a/modules/lua/intf.c b/modules/lua/intf.c
index 7756e16..7b42fba 100644
--- a/modules/lua/intf.c
+++ b/modules/lua/intf.c
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ int Open_LuaIntf( vlc_object_t *p_this )
free( psz_telnet_host );
vlc_UrlClean( &url );
- asprintf( &psz_telnet_host, "%s:%d", psz_esc_host ? psz_esc_host : "", i_telnet_port );
+ asprintf( &psz_telnet_host, "telnet://%s:%d", psz_esc_host ? psz_esc_host : "", i_telnet_port );
free( psz_esc_host );
@@ -396,6 +396,23 @@ int Open_LuaIntf( vlc_object_t *p_this )
lua_setglobal( L, "config" );
+ /* Wrapper for legacy telnet config */
+ if ( !strcmp( psz_name, "telnet" ) )
+ {
+ char *wrapped_file = vlclua_find_file( p_this, "intf", "rc" );
+ if( !wrapped_file )
+ {
+ msg_Err( p_intf, "Couldn't find lua interface script \"rc\", "
+ "needed by telnet wrapper" );
+ p_intf->psz_header = NULL;
+ lua_close( p_sys->L );
+ goto error;
+ }
+ lua_pushstring( L, wrapped_file );
+ lua_setglobal( L, "wrapped_file" );
+ free( wrapped_file );
+ }
p_sys->L = L;
p_intf->psz_header = psz_name;
diff --git a/share/lua/intf/telnet.lua b/share/lua/intf/telnet.lua
index b8901be..6da0ef5 100644
--- a/share/lua/intf/telnet.lua
+++ b/share/lua/intf/telnet.lua
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- telnet.lua: VLM interface plugin
+ telnet.lua: wrapper for legacy telnet configuration
- Copyright (C) 2007 the VideoLAN team
+ Copyright (C) 2011 the VideoLAN team
- Authors: Antoine Cellerier <dionoea at videolan dot org>
+ Authors: Pierre Ynard
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -21,211 +21,31 @@
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- VLM Interface plugin
+--vlc.msg.warn("The telnet lua interface script was replaced by rc, please update your configuration!")
- Copy (features wise) of the original VLC modules/control/telnet.c module.
- Differences are:
- * it's in Lua
- * 'lock' command to lock the telnet prompt
- * possibility to listen on different hosts including stdin
- for example:
- listen on stdin: vlc -I lua --lua-intf telnet --lua-config "telnet={host='*console'}"
- listen on stdin + 2 ports on localhost: vlc -I lua --lua-intf telnet --lua-config "telnet={hosts={'localhost:4212','localhost:5678','*console'}}"
- Configuration options setable throught the --lua-config option are:
- * hosts: A list of hosts to listen on (see examples above).
- * host: A host to listen on. (won't be used if `hosts' is set)
- * password: The password used for remote clients.
- * prompt: The prompt.
-require "common"
-require "host"
---[[ Some telnet command special characters ]]
-WILL = "\251" -- Indicates the desire to begin performing, or confirmation that you are now performing, the indicated option.
-WONT = "\252" -- Indicates the refusal to perform, or continue performing, the indicated option.
-DO = "\253" -- Indicates the request that the other party perform, or confirmation that you are expecting the other party to perform, the indicated option.
-DONT = "\254" -- Indicates the demand that the other party stop performing, or confirmation that you are no longer expecting the other party to perform, the indicated option.
-IAC = "\255" -- Interpret as command
-ECHO = "\001"
---[[ Client status change callbacks ]]
-function on_password( client )
- if client.type == host.client_type.net then
- client:send( "Password: " ..IAC..WILL..ECHO )
- else
- -- no authentication needed on stdin
- client:switch_status( host.status.read )
+if config.hosts == nil and config.host == nil then
+ config.host = "telnet://localhost:4212"
+ if config.hosts == nil then
+ config.hosts = { config.host }
-function on_read( client )
- client:send( config.prompt and tostring(config.prompt) or "> " )
-function on_write( client )
---[[ Misc functions ]]
-function telnet_commands( client )
- -- remove telnet command replies from the client's data
- client.buffer = string.gsub( client.buffer, IAC.."["..DO..DONT..WILL..WONT.."].", "" )
-function vlm_message_to_string(client,message,prefix)
- local prefix = prefix or ""
- if message.value then
- client:append(prefix .. message.name .. " : " .. message.value)
- else
- client:append(prefix .. message.name)
- end
- if message.children then
- for i,c in ipairs(message.children) do
- vlm_message_to_string(client,c,prefix.." ")
- end
- end
---[[ Configure the host ]]
-h = host.host()
-h.status_callbacks[host.status.password] = on_password
-h.status_callbacks[host.status.read] = on_read
-h.status_callbacks[host.status.write] = on_write
-h:listen( config.hosts or config.host or "localhost:4212" )
-password = config.password or "admin"
---[[ Launch vlm ]]
-vlm = vlc.vlm()
---[[ Commands ]]
-function shutdown(client)
- h:broadcast("Shutting down.\r\n")
- vlc.msg.err("shutdown requested")
- vlc.misc.quit()
- return true
-function logout(client)
- client:del()
- return true
-function quit(client)
- if client.type == host.client_type.net then
- return logout(client)
- else
- return shutdown(client)
- end
-function lock(client)
- client:switch_status( host.status.password )
- client.buffer = ""
- return false
-function print_text(text)
- return function(client)
- client:append(string.gsub(text,"\r?\n","\r\n"))
- return true
- end
-function help(client)
- client:append(" Telnet Specific Commands:")
- for c,t in pairs(commands) do
- client:append(" "..c.." : "..t.help)
- end
- return true
-commands = {
- ["shutdown"] = { func = shutdown, help = "shutdown VLC" },
- ["quit"] = { func = quit, help = "logout from telnet/shutdown VLC from local shell" },
- ["logout"] = { func = logout, help = "logout" },
- ["lock"] = { func = lock, help = "lock the telnet prompt" },
- ["description"] = { func = print_text(description), help = "describe this module" },
- ["license"] = { func = print_text(vlc.misc.license()), help = "print VLC's license message" },
- ["help"] = { func = help, help = "show this help", dovlm = true },
- }
-function client_command( client )
- local cmd = client.buffer
- client.buffer = ""
- if not commands[cmd] or not commands[cmd].func or commands[cmd].dovlm then
- -- if it's not an interface specific command, it has to be a VLM command
- local message, vlc_err = vlm:execute_command( cmd )
- vlm_message_to_string( client, message )
- if not commands[cmd] or not commands[cmd].func and not commands[cmd].dovlm then
- if vlc_err ~= 0 then client:append( "Type `help' for help." ) end
- return true
- end
- end
- ok, msg = pcall( commands[cmd].func, client )
- if not ok then
- client:append( "Error in `"..cmd.."' "..msg )
- return true
- end
- return msg
---[[ The main loop ]]
-while not vlc.misc.should_die() do
- local w, r = h:accept_and_select()
- -- Handle writes
- for _, client in pairs(w) do
- local len = client:send()
- client.buffer = string.sub(client.buffer,len+1)
- if client.buffer == "" then client:switch_status( host.status.read ) end
- end
- -- Handle reads
- for _, client in pairs(r) do
- local str = client:recv(1000)
- if not str or str == "" -- the telnet client program has left
- or (client.type == host.client_type.net and str == "\004") then
- -- Caught a ^D
- client.cmds = "quit\n"
- else
- client.cmds = client.cmds .. str
- end
- client.buffer = ""
- -- split the command at the first '\n'
- while string.find(client.cmds, "\n") do
- -- save the buffer to send to the client
- local saved_buffer = client.buffer
- -- get the next command
- local index = string.find(client.cmds, "\n")
- client.buffer = common.strip(string.sub(client.cmds, 0, index - 1))
- client.cmds = string.sub(client.cmds, index + 1)
- -- Remove telnet commands from the command line
- if client.type == host.client_type.net then
- telnet_commands( client )
- end
- -- Run the command
- if client.status == host.status.password then
- if client.buffer == password then
- client:send( IAC..WONT..ECHO.."\r\nWelcome, Master\r\n" )
- client.buffer = ""
- client:switch_status( host.status.write )
- elseif client.buffer == "quit" then
- client_command( client )
+ for i,host in pairs(config.hosts) do
+ if host ~= "*console" then
+ local proto = string.match(host, "^%s*(.-)://")
+ if proto == nil or proto ~= "telnet" then
+ local newhost
+ if proto == nil then
+ newhost = "telnet://"..host
- client:send( "\r\nWrong password\r\nPassword: " )
- client.buffer = ""
+ newhost = string.gsub(host, "^%s*.-://", "telnet://")
- elseif client_command( client ) then
- client:switch_status( host.status.write )
+ --vlc.msg.warn("Replacing host `"..host.."' with `"..newhost.."'")
+ config.hosts[i] = newhost
- client.buffer = saved_buffer .. client.buffer
---[[ Clean up ]]
-vlm = nil
Pierre Ynard
"Une âme dans un corps, c'est comme un dessin sur une feuille de papier."
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